Ring… Ring…


Someone answered very quickly, much to Vivian’s delight.

“Matt, it’s me, Vivi. Did you miss me?”

“Yes, I did, Vivi. How have you been? Ian and I were worried when you didn’t call for an entire day.”

The moment the call connected, Matt complained incessantly.


An entire day? Didn’t I call them yesterday?

With the phone in her hand, Vivian looked puzzled.

Nevertheless, she was glad that her brothers missed her.

Pouting her lips, she ranted, “That’s all because of Mommy. Over the last few days, she was at home instead of working in the office. Hence, I didn’t manage to give you guys a call.”

Mommy’s not working?

Matteo was stunned when he heard it. “Why isn’t Mommy at work? Is it because she knows Daddy is engaged to Ms. Rocke…”

Before Matteo could finish, Ian sprang to his feet and cupped his brother’s mouth.



it dawned upon him that he shouldn’t have let

attentive. Hence, she didn’t pick up on what Matteo

Mommy instruct Uncle Lance to buy


ecstatic at

she intends to buy Grandpa’s house, does

boys turned excited at the

their expressions changed. After reminding Vivian to take care of herself, they frantically ended the

Sebastian and Roxanne

of you doing? Why do you

observational skills. The moment he saw his sons come

Ian’s lips were sealed.

chess. By the way,

hotel where we are going to hold our engagement banquet. Both of you should

the boys a reminder as he headed

The brothers were speechless.

if he needs to check out the

household register? Does he want to register his marriage

next moment, their expressions changed as they

you cute little boys. Come and see what I have bought you. Ian, this is a limited edition Transformers toy. Also, Matteo, this is the golden game card

children’s minds, Roxanne brought

was in the past, the

look of resentment. After exchanging pointed glances, both of them ran

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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