Sasha was indeed in Adonia at that moment.

Now that she had revived Wand Enterprise, she wanted to get it off the ground as soon as possible. The best way to do that was to get in touch with their previous clients and convince them to do business with Wand Enterprise once again.

And there were many old clients in Adonia that used to make large orders from them.

“I have to give it to you. I can’t believe you came looking for me after you found out that I was filming here,” Brandon said.

He could not help feeling pleased about becoming her guide.

But that was how he always was. He acted like Sasha was nothing but trouble every time she came looking for him. He would either end up being beaten or something similarly miserable.


However, whenever she needed his help, he was still eagerly at her beck and call.

Sasha knew it too, which was why she felt rather uncomfortable when she saw the pleased look on his face.


“What choice did I have? I only have one friend, and that’s you. Oh, let’s eat after going to Gerrain Enterprise. I’ll treat you to a feast, okay?” said Sasha.

“Sure! I want to go to the grandest restaurant here and order to my heart’s content. Do you have any problem with that?” he replied mischievously, leaning toward her and blowing gently on her ear.

“Get lost!” Sasha exclaimed.

His breath tickling her ear gave her goosebumps and she reached out to push him away.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Gerrain Enterprise.

would be a great help to Sasha if they

had brought on his desk and said, “Mr. Lovano, let me cut to the chase. It was thanks to your support that Wand Enterprise enjoyed the success it had all those years ago. Now that Wand Enterprise has resumed operations, if you’d be so kind as to give us a chance, I promise to offer you factory prices on all our products. What do

lady, how old are you? Are you over twenty years old? Do you know what it means when you offer factory

 Doesn’t he

glanced at her clothes, slightly regretting that she had dressed casually in a plain pair of jeans and a

you order from us, those old clients of ours would surely follow suit. Since I’ll be using you as a walking billboard, what more could I ask for?”

had not expected her to be so frank. She’s Rufus’ daughter, isn’t

a notoriously tough nut to crack. Travis had been trying to close a deal with him for the longest time. If Sasha

just making things difficult?”

she wanted Travis to partner with the Wand family, she had no choice but

she agreed to Travis’

of Gerrain Enterprise, Brandon could not hold in his anger anymore and scolded Sasha. “Why did you have to agree to it? He couldn’t even handle it himself, but now he’s asking you to do it. Isn’t it clear that he’s finding a way to

so I should thank my lucky stars that he didn’t chase me out of his office right away,” Sasha explained with a frown. Although

hearing her say that, what

hotel until Travis sent

was playing house, Brandon purposely went out in

was speechless when she

her gratitude. All she could do was change into the dress

when he saw her in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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