Sasha could only feel a lump in her throat, unable to continue any further. The warmth and joy that once filled her had seemingly all dissipated.

The harsh winds that gushed in were so cold that even her bones hurt.

“Ms. Wand?”

“I-I got it… But I still won’t leave. I only want to leave with him. Go up and tell him that I’ll be waiting for him here. I’ll wait here till he comes and take me back, no matter if it’s a day or two.”

Sasha’s eyes turned red-rimmed as she put forth her words in an extremely firm manner.

Those words were the most wimpish and disgraceful that she had ever said in her whole life.


Sasha was once a lady with unyielding character. Years ago, when she left the Hayes Residence, she walked off without looking back despite her miserable state, even when her two babies were still crying for food.

But now, she was no different from a shameless person, standing by the hotel entrance, waiting for him.


All that she wanted was to get the man who left her back.

Sebastian, I’m back. Can we live happily from now on? You’ve mentioned before you don’t wish to see our kids grow up in an incomplete family. If so, then shall we forget the past and start afresh?

That night, Sasha had indeed spent it at the hotel lobby.

And as expected, Sebastian did not come down.

No one knew if Karl had called to inform him about it, or perhaps he just could not be bothered about it.

In any case, Sasha did not see him even after waking up from her sleep on the couch. And the trouble was, the few spots that she had injured herself previously were swelling up.

“Excuse me, may I know where the washroom is?”


toward her, perhaps because they could not chase her away,

headed toward the direction of the

dreadful sight—her knees were not only

like I’ll have to get them

medicine to treat her wounds to prevent her from inflammation and restricted her mobility the next

that, Sasha

suite, Sebastian did not sleep either. He


night, the phone on the table suddenly rang. It was loud and clear in comparison to the utter

keyboard buttons

from Karl. Mr. Hayes, Ms. Wand

sneered and tossed his phone

her words. After knowing her for so long, he knew she was someone who would come up

that the Wand family and

cold and grim as he furrowed his brows and shoved that matter aside,

or so later, the doorbell to this

is looking for me

got up to open the

a mushroom soup, as well as some pastries. The lady at the lobby has ordered them for you. She asked me to tell you that it’s late into the night, so


Sebastian narrowed his gaze.

lady? Could


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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