Once inside, she could tell why Sebastian had not replied to her. The presidential suite had multiple rooms, including several bedrooms, living room, study, mini indoor gym, and even direct access to the rooftop pool. Hence, it would be redundant for her to book another room.

Sasha claimed one bedroom as her own and changed into a set of comfy lounge wear. Phew, finally able to relax a little.

Meanwhile, Karl arrived at the suite to fetch his boss. “Mr. Hayes, the organizers called. Tonight’s ball is starting at seven. Would you like to leave now?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s six-thirty now, sir.”

The ball was an age-old tradition of the summit, to welcome the business elites and to act as a platform for networking.


Sebastian nodded and headed to his room to change, emerging shortly after in a different business suit. Clasping the watch on his wrist, he glanced sideways at the door to Sasha’s room. “Go get her too,” he told Karl.

The latter tried to hide his surprise. Does that woman have to go too? She’s so green and inexperienced… What if she makes a fool of herself at the ball and ruins Hayes Corporation’s reputation?


given him the order, however, Karl had to set his qualms aside. He went to knock on

from within. “Who is

Wand, Mr. Hayes sent me to ask if you would like to attend

a pair

waved the notebook in her hand. “I want to go over the notes

in condescension. She wants to give the ball a miss? This woman really can’t tell chalk

it, then,” Sebastian said coolly. “Karl, we’re leaving.” He pocketed his phone and made for the door

continued to pour over the notebook. The knowledge contained within was more important to her than anything else, much less

was once

“Hello. Who’s this?”

the hotel lobby? I’d like to talk to you,” Solomon said on the

pretty features at the sound of his voice. “No, sorry, I’m

for you. You can

answer? Annoyed, she put aside the notebook. “Solomon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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