A hush fell over the ballroom. Even Millie, who was about to lash out at Sebastian, kept quiet after seeing the thunderous look on the latter’s face.

“So that’s why she didn’t want to attend the ball with me?” he muttered. The rising anger was like a blazing inferno that threatened to boil him from the inside out.

Karl silently agreed, but he did not dare to say that out loud. Instead, he gestured at Sebastian’s hand, from which a piece of broken glass shard was protruding. “Mr. Hayes, are you all right…? You’re bleeding.”

His words fell on deaf ears as Sebastian stood. “Excuse me,” he addressed the crowd, “I have some matters to attend. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

The rest watched him leave in stunned silence. None dared to question his abrupt departure, but the murderous look on his face had everyone speculating about what had happened.

Eager to write off the episode, Millie quickly found someone else as her beau for the night.


Meanwhile, Sasha and Solomon were sitting face to face at a cafe.

She had assumed it would take another two hours before Sebastian returned from the ball. By her calculations, there would be plenty of time for her to meet with Solomon and head back to the hotel with her roommate none the wiser.


Expressionless, she demanded, “Go on, what evidence do you have to prove that you are Yancy’s son?”

was the best friend of Sasha’s

the day, Heather, Sharon, Matilda, and Yancy were the most

a long line of doctors and scholars respectively, Heather and Sharon were renowned for being as beautiful as

talents department, Matilda was one of the wealthiest socialites in the

struck it rich from the real estate business. With riches abound and coupled with good looks, Yancy had

parents, she left home for several months, only to return with a bun in her oven. To say that the rest

upheaval. Speculations and rumors about the baby’s father circulated wildly within the city for

see her best friend after the latter was disowned

father. Not

Sasha’s mother received news about her again, it was when someone showed up at her doorstep with an eight-year-old boy. The person told Heather that Yancy had died,

left to be with the man she loved,

her death, Sasha’s mother never found out what had happened all those

mom was sponsoring an orphan who’s the child of one of her friends. But she didn’t tell me it’s someone around me. Why would she hide this from me if it’s really you?” Frustrated at the situation, Sasha asked with an irked

long moment of silence, the man sitting opposite her took out an envelope. “My mother told her not to say anything. When I was sent back to Avenport, your mom made arrangements to register my name

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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