Sasha never wanted this.

But she did nothing wrong, so of course she wouldn’t put up with this humiliation.

After gobbling down the food, she finally recovered some strength in her body and the fog in her mind gradually cleared up.

“Miss, the situation outside isn’t good. Those people still seem to be on the island. Are you sure you want to remain here with Mrs. Hayes?”

“Obviously! Where would I even go? Do you think I have the money to leave this wretched place?”

Sabrina’s angered voice abruptly came from the courtyard. The entire mansion seemed to be enveloped in thick tension.


Sasha paused at that.

She knew that Sebastian had banished Sabrina from the country for accusing her of killing a patient on the operating table.


But she was rather surprised when she heard Sabrina saying she did not have enough money.

Could Sebastian have cut her off financially too?

That would explain why she hates me so much and wants nothing more than to kill me off slowly. She was, after all, the eldest daughter in the family who was accustomed to having everything she wanted.

Sasha listened until the woman stormed out while grumbling under her breath.

“Excuse me, can you come over here for a bit?”


looked up in surprise upon noticing the woman

time she was here? Don’t tell me that Mr.

her. That’s why Mr. Hayes

Sasha fell silent.

aware of this. Now that she was, she realized that

lips, Sasha found herself speaking after a long time. “You said something about some people outside. Do you mean the ones who captured


Sasha’s face instantly paled.

Does she plan to hand me over to

to rise in Sasha, and she pleaded, “Please, can you help me make a call to Mr.

make any calls either. She said she’d

That madwoman!

Sasha fell into despair.

that surprised because someone as proud and stubborn

would rather

in the morning when Sasha

was freezing on this island. At night, even though Sasha had wrapped the thin blanket tightly around herself on the bed, it did nothing

in pain. Besides the wound on her shoulder blade that was festering due to

of the question because of the cold, hunger, and pain. Thus, her ears immediately perked

slender woman pushing her motorbike in. Her footsteps sounded slightly heavy. As soon as Sabrina

and eight hundred is all I get! What am I?

of something and threw it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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