Dr. Moore simply stared at Sasha without a word.

It was only after she managed to calm her emotions did he open his mouth. “I won’t let you die.”

Sasha was rendered speechless.

You won’t let me die? What a peculiar reply. Of course, a patient like me will be happy to hear this kind of answer. But that’s hardly what a professional doctor should say.

In her own experience, on the first day as a doctor, there was one crucial thing that the hospital would tell them. That was not to promise anything to the patients, especially when it came to matters of survival.

Does the culture differ according to the region? Do all the doctors here talk like this?


Sasha was stunned momentarily that she did not even realize when Dr. Moore left the ward.

However, it was precisely because of the doctor’s assuring words that she was able to get some good sleep that night. But when it got to around midnight, she felt a sudden pain in her blood vessels.



She gripped her bedsheet tightly while moaning in agony.

What’s wrong with her?

Hearing her moan, a tall figure who had been lying on the couch jumped up and hurried to her side.

“What’s wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?”

“It hurts…”

Sasha’s consciousness was blurry, to begin with. Coupled that with the dizziness and excruciating pain she was experiencing, she couldn’t care less when there was a sudden voice sounded beside her nor could she recognize it.

reply and immediately pressed the emergency button at the head

worry. I’ve called the doctor. He’ll be here

wrapped around her body and his voice was

was in


a scene that she

any nearer! Don’t

house while a huge black dog was chasing

little girl

shirt that was around ten showed up to her rescue. He picked up a shovel from


the dog collapsed


while, the boy walked over and reached out his hand toward her. “Come on. Get up. What a useless little

The girl remained silent.

boy’s beautiful features that were basked in the sun’s warm

was that she even

“What are you doing?”

that of repulsion upon seeing that, and

dog woke

at the dog with her mouth agape. Seemingly pissed, the boy picked up the shovel again and

girl was shell-shocked by

she totally forgot the fact that the boy had saved her

to find her mother and complained to her. “Mom, Sebby

he’s the way he is now! It’s all because of me!

tears began welling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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