Tears welled up in Sasha’s eyes.

When Sasha saw Wendy rushing toward her excitedly from the main door, she called out in tears, “Wendy, I’m back.”

“Oh, Madam, I know you’ll be all right. It’s wonderful. You’re finally back.” Wendy looked at Sasha and couldn’t stop tears from rolling down her cheeks.

After exchanging pleasantries, Sasha and Sabrina finally entered the house.

However, they soon heard that Sebastian was not around.

“Mr. Sebastian almost hurt Mr. Frederick when his condition relapsed. After he recovered the next day, he left without informing anyone where he went. However, he calls every day to ask about the children,” Wendy said.


“What did you say? His condition relapsed?” Sasha’s face went pale.

As she had guessed, something severe happened.


Why did his condition relapse suddenly? Didn’t he say that his condition has become stable?

Furthermore, my “death” previously gave him a severe blow and prompted him to better control himself.

Then, why did he relapse?

Sasha was in shock and asked Wendy, “What is going on? What made his condition relapse suddenly? What happened at that time?”

Wendy hesitated for a moment and said, “Mr. Sebastian… he fought with Mr. Hayes Sr. when the latter said that he can no longer manage the company because he… he can’t control himself.”

repeat?” Sasha could

wrongly? Sebastian’s father

Is he insane?

trying to

indeed the truth. Wendy repeated to Sasha what

Sebastian give up the management rights

Sebastian heard what Mr. Hayes Sr. said, he went mad, but Mr. Hayes Sr. refused to stop. He continued to question Mr. Sebastian and said that if

“That’s bullsh*t!” Sasha roared.

all over and rage burned in her heart. Suddenly, she had the impulse to

he understand what he

how much his words hurt Sebastian? He could have destroyed

expression distorted from fury, and she turned around

going?” Sabrina quickly

to find that heartless father of yours. I want to ask whether he has abandoned his flawed son now

Sabrina was stunned.

the most pressing matter was not to confront Frederick but to

to make sure that Sebastian was

won’t run away, and you can confront him some other time. However,

did not know what

unstable. Aren’t you worried about what will happen

end, Sasha decided

hard. She contacted Karl straightaway and asked him to tell her where Sebastian

Karl was rendered speechless.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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