“Are you okay, Sasha?”

Sasha was so angry that she nearly opened her eyes.

This b*stard! This f*cking b*stard! I’m surprised he had it in him to come back! Honestly, I thought he wouldn’t come back even if I really did fall to my death!

Wanting to punish him, Sasha decided to keep her eyes shut.

However, that plan of hers backfired as he thought she was dying when he saw her trembling uncontrollably, and his mind went blank.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Sasha opened her eyes and shouted at the top of her lungs, “You b*stard! Why are you always treating me like this? Did I wrong you in the past life or what?”


Damn it! He bullied me, so why am I the one who has to open my eyes and comfort him?

Sasha thought to herself and cried her heart out as she lay in the bush.


snapped Sebastian back to reality, bringing life back to his dull eyes and his heart that

afraid of losing her, but what he

he simply couldn’t bear to witness something like that

shock, Sebastian slowly knelt

in his arms as he said, “I’m

your fault! You b*stard! You’re always bullying me! Why are you running from

when we had a fight the other day. He said I wouldn’t have hurt her if I could control myself, and that left a thorn in my heart that I could never remove. He’s right. I lost control over myself and shot at her… His words reminded me of how I killed Mom when I was young, and that the same could happen to Sasha now. Hearing that made me wonder if there is even a single thing in this world that I have control over. I realized the possibility that there might be no cure for my condition, and that I’m doomed to be a freak for the rest

answer her question at all,

grip on her. She then looked up at him with teary eyes and asked,

Sebastian looked away awkwardly

staying by my side at the time, even at the risk of losing your voice. So why are you running from me when I dragged my sick self all the way here just to see you? Are you ashamed to see me because you’ve lost your position as the president of Hayes Corporation? Or is because I’m

“No, that’s not it!”

was quick to deny it

choose to run instead of facing it with me?” Sasha pressed on and shot him a scorching

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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