“Nancy, you’re back.”

“Yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you because I’m not dead yet,” she ridiculed.

Solomon’s face turned pale instantly.

Since Solomon remembered what he did to Sasha clearly, he did expect to hear pleasant words from her in the first place.

However, a suffocating discomfort still swept over him the moment she said it.

Deep down, Solomon knew that he was the one who betrayed Sasha.


“Nancy, I’m here to ask if the share transfer agreements of Hayes Corporation are with you now? If you have them, please hand them over to me.”



Sasha almost burst into laughter after Solomon requested them without showing any guilt.

“Why must I give them to you? Are those agreements yours?”


Solomon finally couldn’t hold in his anger. “Stop messing around. I mean, keeping those things to yourself won’t do you any good. If all you want is money, I can pay it to you.”

“Do you think I want money?”

“Yes, I think so. Don’t you wish to develop Wand Enterprise? You might want some money to invest in your company or collaborate with Hayes Corporation. Well, I’ll agree to it as long as you hand over the share transfer agreements to me.”

Solomon proposed two tempting terms without hesitation.

Wand Enterprise would grow

my husband was the president. In that case, what makes him think that I want to collaborate with him

proposal. “Who are you to make sure that Hayes Corporation will collaborate with


that you are holding now doesn’t belong to you. Since it’s not yours, why

“What did you say?”

true owner—my

though she plunged a sharp sword

Solomon’s face had lost

were feelings of embarrassment, anger, and disappointment in

he turned ferocious like a beast who would grab the lady away anytime

humiliate me in such a way? Is it because I

the man she mentioned just now? What has he done? Didn’t he hurt her as well? Were the things he did any better than what

remember at least something good about me? Back then, when Solomon heard that Sasha was in trouble in

time, Sebastian cherished her like a precious


even though

expression. She wanted to leave


you doing? Solomon, are you crazy? Let go!” Sasha yelled shockingly, for

hard to wriggle free from Solomon, yet he

next moment, Solomon wanted to

Hey, let go of my

observed the situation all the while. As Solomon acted aggressively, Lance screamed at

them from the other end of the street like a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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