The next day.

When Sasha woke up, Sebastian was no longer beside her. The morning sun illuminated the room, bathing it with its golden rays.

What time is it?

When she tried to move, she realized her body was aching all over, causing her to feel like sleeping in.

“Mommy, are you awake yet?”

“Hush, mommy is exhausted from last night. We better not disturb her. Let’s get Daddy to send us to school instead.”


Outside the door, the children discussed among themselves after having observed the situation briefly.

Consequently, Sasha blushed when she heard them.


Getting out of bed quickly, she was about to open the door when she heard Sebastian’s voice ring out from downstairs.

“Matt, Ian, bring Vivi down. I’m taking all of you to school.”

“Alright, Daddy.”

The brothers led their sister down right away, causing Sasha to heave a sigh of relief.

After washing up leisurely, Sasha changed and headed downstairs. However, there was no sign of the children. All she saw was Lance tidying up the living hall.

“Sha, you’re awake.”

“Mmm-hmm. Are you heading to the office today? Please wait for me. I’ll come along with you once I finish breakfast.”

that Lance had packed his briefcase, she asked him to

all, they could carpool to the office since


he will

surprised. “Why? Didn’t

since it’s rare for

up his bag, Lance slipped


is, I’m surprised that he wants to

curious at


Sasha? Have you thought of a plan? Where are we

I haven’t thought of anything yet,” Sasha snapped after

she had not come up

just tens or hundreds of millions.

she was a genius in finance, there was no way

going to do? If you don’t come up with the funds, the share transfer agreements will fall into


as her brother, she called him Sasha’s

decided to make a last-ditch effort to salvage the situation. She called Andy

it’s Nancy. I need your help. I wonder if you

you just say? Nancy, did you hit

was crazy to make such a ludicrous

that it was

ending the call, Sasha felt frustrated

When he entered the compound, he saw the rare sight of Sasha cupping her face and spacing

He was briefly stunned.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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