Share with you? Do I know you that well? Eventually, not knowing what came over her, Sabrina started speaking, “I fell into bad company when I was young and naive and got involved in… substance abuse. I only discovered later that it was a trap targeted at the Hayes family…”

Sabrina stopped and did not elaborate further.

Her mouth agape, Sasha took more than ten seconds to process the earth-shattering information.

She did not need to hear more of the story to imagine how serious the repercussions were.

A young lady from a wealthy and prominent family was led into the trap of substance abuse. There could only be one motivation behind it. Her family was the real target, not her.

Yet, she was so naive to walk right into the trap.

Sasha felt nothing but pity for her.

However, it happened such a long time ago. Surely there was an expiry date for the penalty that was laid out? Even prisoners have a release date from their incarceration.

Why is she not given one?

Sasha decided to state her opinion. “Well, let’s put it this way. At this present moment, the Hayes family is standing at the crossroads between survival and annihilation. Surely your father is not going to blame you for trying to do something to help.”

Sabrina was silent.

“Moreover, when your father handed his seal and ID card to me, he said the twenty percent shares are supposed to go to your brother. Since your brother does not want them, it is only rightful that you take over his shares. Just consider yourself as the caretaker of his shares. What do you think?” Sasha explained carefully, trying to bring Sabrina to her point of view.

rather give the twenty percent shares to Sabrina than let

to be coming around.

jobless. I’m the only one still earning an


finally accepted

cafe so that they

blocked their way. “Ms. Wand, Ms. Hayes, what put you in the mood for a coffee date today? Where are the two of you going

of the two of them was middle-aged

the two important items in her hands, instinctively

and bold one, stepped forward and shielded Sasha protectively. “Who are you? How dare

just want to invite the two of you for a drink at the bistro down the street. Would

shone with fury. “If you still value your life, you’d better

the Hayes family was not someone to be

that you are not too

the wave of his hand, a few men clad

What are you

the man did not show any sign of intimidation. Instead, he laughed. “Of course I do! Do you wish to know

 Sasha felt a lurch in her stomach. She

two women ran


another group of men clad in black leaped out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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