Chapter 26 A Night of Search

Hopelessly sitting on the couch, even Nicole herself didn’t know how she managed to live through the night. Under her eyes were the stains of her ruined makeup which she had yet to remove that made her seem extremely petty. It wouldn’t even be an overexaggeration to describe her as a banshee.

Meanwhile, accompanying by her side was Zachary, who was constantly making calls and contacting everyone he knew to scour for Hayden’s whereabouts.

Every minute that passed agitated her more as she remained in a posture, stationarily sitting on the couch until the sun rose. Because she had kept her eyes still for too long, when she eventually moved her eyes, she felt a sting in them.

At her zoned-out look, Zachary couldn’t help but feel pained. Pouting his lips, he turned to Nicole and suggested, “Nicole, why don’t you go get some rest? I’ll tell you as soon as I receive news about Hayden.”

her frozen face. She turned to Zachary with a forced grin, and with

that, Zachary hesitated to say anything knowing he wouldn’t be able to persuade her given her immense worry for her son. Subtly, he heaved a sigh and continued contacting his peers. He gave up sleeping for the entire night as he

Nicole spaced out, her phone beeped in her pocket. Immediately, she grabbed her phone and saw it was a call from Colton. Hastily, she answered the call and

found some news about your son. He was last seen at Pine Harbor. A witness saw some thugs carrying him onto a ship,”

vision turned dark, but fortunately, Zachary managed to hold her

according to plan, we’ll be able to locate them today. I’ll update you as soon

you, President Gardner,” she immediately

backward and rested his entire body against the back of his chair, visibly fatigued. With his slender fingers, he pinched the bridge of his nose, gently massaging it. As he was about to rest for a bit and shut his dreamy eyes, the phone on his desk rang. He answered the call, one hand on his forehead, and asked coolly, “What is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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