Runaway Bride

Chapter 31 Explanations about Lucian

It is clear that I owe an explanation and not only to Darío but also to my brother-in-law, who has burst the bubble of happiness without realizing it. Darío places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes me gently. He is confused, and I understand. Couples have the time to share the names of their exes, as well as the events that set a precedent and the reason they broke up. In this case, the reason I was going to break up with Lucian was that I was being forced to marry Darío, although I later realized that he was nothing more than a fucking bastard who didn’t even deserve a greeting. However, I didn’t bother to tell Darío about him. Maybe I wanted to forget all about my time with that man, knowing I had been cheated on and understanding that Lucian didn’t deserve to belong in my past, not after he had ruined my life and Teresa’s life. By hurting her, he hurt me in the same way.

I watch him and try to figure out if he’s angry or just upset. He furrows his brows and waits for my response, one that almost urges me to vomit again.

“Lucian was my boyfriend,” I reply.

I have no idea how I’m going to explain the situation to Darío, let alone Dawson. I shudder to consider the reaction Darío is going to have upon hearing me.

“And what does he want with your sister?” my husband asks, confused. Just the obvious. “Does he want to see you? Didn’t you explain to him that you were getting married?”

“You have to admit that our wedding wasn’t especially planned ahead of time, love.” What an excuse I make.

I set out to walk up to the balcony. I begin to feel the cramped space. I focus on Darío to distract myself; he has a long-sleeved wine-red flannel that settles his half-tan color a bit.

The heater is working perfectly, so the temperature inside the house is comfortable. Even so, I feel terribly hot. My hands sweat, and the back of my neck itches irrationally.

“Is that why it is? Because of the rushed wedding? That man comes looking for you a month after you split up?” This time it’s Dawson speaking.

As the weeks have gone by, I’ve learned to tell them apart inside out. The smallest detail makes me realize who is Darío and who is Dawson. Even more so after learning that Dawson has more golden hair than Darío. It seems my brother-in-law has spent considerable time in the seaside part of the country.

“Where are you going?” inquires Darío when he senses me walking away.

“I think we’d better sit on the balcony. I could use some air.”

“Are you sure you’re okay? Let’s go to the clinic and confirm it’s just a cold, honey.”

try to get us all seated by the time I tell

have told Dawson about Lucian? Why not trust him for what that fucker did to her? They’re getting married, and she hasn’t had the gentleness to tell him, to trust him enough to let him know that someone tried to take advantage of her, her innocence, and

to my brother-in-law, for I truly understand that it is not my place to speak to

I’m sick of

from head

the kid.” She reaches over

smile at her gentleness and kindness. I got a friend, a housemate, who advises me as if she were my own mother and mainly because she bets on my relationship with Darío. She believes we can survive and come out undefeated from how

I thank her. I grab Darío’s hand to walk up the stairs again. In the meantime, she leaves with Dante.

unfavorable situation. The first few days were difficult for him. His anger even caused me to cry from helplessness for not being able to help

cried one day when he stumbled as he left the room.


where I’m going if I can’t watch my son take his first steps. How am I supposed to take him to the

work it out, honey. You’ll see. This

wrong with me! Don’t you see? Don’t you get it? I’m fucking

he was going to need the help of everyone he knew who cared about him. That’s why I secretly asked Dawson to help me and

just as

already went to Teresa’s, didn’t you?”

think about how it must have affected my little sister, the light of my

slammed the door in my face.” He’s elated and beside himself. I’ve never seen Dawson so out of control. He always looks carefree and detached from

I don’t understand. She’s

She agreed on impulse and called

Dawson,” I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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