But the journalists were unyielding, her refusal just stoked their curiosity. They pinned her down, thrusting microphones in her direction, demanding answers.

“Why won’t you tell us anything?”

“Is your reluctance due to guilt?”

“We understand that Tyrone and Galilea are also at the hospital. What brings you here?”

“Is Tyrone cohabiting with Galilea now?”

“I have no comments. Kindly let me pass,” Sabrina replied icily.

“So, your silence implies that the rumors are true?”

do you view Tyrone

barrage of inquiries, Sabrina remained silent. Her face drained of color, she felt

her refusal to engage, she was trapped and unable to

was at her wit’s end. “I repeat, allow me to go. If not, I’ll dial the police this instant

choice but to begrudgingly

surroundings were

reporters departed, onlookers


found herself at a bus stop. As Luck would have it, a bus pulled up. Without sparing a

nearly empty. Sabrina sauntered to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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