Secretary’s Secret Lover

Secretary’s Secret Lover By Zayla Quinn Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Stay Away From Him

“You won’t,” Yvette comforted him.

“I mean what if…”

Charlie paused. Half of his handsome face was immersed in the bright sunlight. But his eyes were a little cold.

“Will you accompany me for the rest of your life?”

Yvette said nothing.

Actually, she had never thought about this possibility at all Therefore, when he suddenly talked about this, she was stunned.

Charlie was unhappy because of her hesitation. He suddenly reached out and firmly grabbed her other hand.

Yvette breathed unevenly and looked at him with wide eyes.

Charlie said softly, “Remember your words.”

Yvette was stunned and suddenly felt that Charlie was a little strange.

The next second, things changed.

The car stopped suddenly!

The brakes screeched!

Somehow, the car stopped.

And then, the car door opened with a loud bang.

Lance stood outside, staring at their tightly clasped hands for a few seconds. Suddenly, he sneered.

The disgust in his eyes made Yvette feel as if her heart had been pierced through.

“Get off,” Lance looked at her and ordered coldly.

Yvette subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but Charlie grasped her hand so tightly that she could not move.

grasped her hand so tightly that she could not move.

Charlie looked back at Lance and said lightly, “Excuse me, Mr. Wolseley. We still have a flight to catch.”

his face darkened. He ignored Charlie and directly pulled

not let go, which made Yvette feel like she was going to be torn apart. She frowned

 Seeing this, Lance directly picked her up and carried her to his

said lightly from behind, “Yvette, I will wait for

still had

and pulled a long face. “Lance,

 into the back seat of his car. He supported both his

want to leave

you talking about?” asked Yvette,

really think that after divorcing me, you can do whatever you want and 1 can’t do

was furious when he found out that Yvette actually planned to go abroad with Charlie for Charlie’s treatment. without

her place to

Lance signaled Juliette to explain their relationship to Yvette. Unexpectedly, Yvette cleared it up

said that she had nothing to

Lance heard this, he was so angry that he almost lost his temper,

of Charlie all day long. Lance didn’t say

going to leave with


“If you want to be with him, why did you flirt with me and kiss me? Tell me. Do you always

at Lance with her eyes wide open, finding

turned as pale

saying that, Lance regretted it immediately.

that Yvette never considered him in the very

Yvette suddenly said with red eyes,

that I fell

for you and try my best not to be

to continue arguing with him. “Put me down. I

in rage when he heard the impatience

face darkened as he


This crazy man!

her cheap, then what

bastard! Let go of me!” Yvette tried to

marked her neck and chest with his kisses. He then raised his head and mocked,

to me anymore. We

her lip, raising her head slightly in case of tears streamed down

me ask you one last time. Do you really want to go

to go with him.” Yvette

you, but didn’t I fucking save you as well?” Lance was so angry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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