Secretary’s Secret Lover

Secretary’s Secret Lover By Zayla Quinn Chapter 231

Chapter 231 You Do Surprise Me!

Charlie’s expression changed and he explained, “Yvette, I can explain to you…”

“Did the doctor misdiagnose you?” Yvette interrupted him. *

Charlie wanted to defend himself, but when he saw her pure eyes, he lowered his head slightly. “Yes.”

Yvette’s eyes were red as she asked excitedly, “Why are you doing this?”

Charlie gave up his disguise and smiled faintly, “Yvette, don’t you understand? I love you. I want you to stay by my side.”

“So you lied to me?” Yvette asked, trembling with anger.

Charlie smiled, “As long as I can keep you by my side, I will try any means.”

“Charlie? You’re not the man I know.”

Charlie’s expression changed as he heard Yvette say, “You’ve changed.”

Yvette hurriedly picked up her bag and said with tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry. Even though you saved me, I can’t bear being deceived. I will pay for the medical expenses for you, but I don’t want to meet you again in the future.”

Charlie stared at her. “Yvette, I have never hurt you.

Yvette had already walked to the door and did not look at him. “I can’t bear being deceived.”

Then, she left without looking back.

At that moment, Charlie revealed his gloomy eyes. “Yvette, you won’t be able to leave me.

When Yvette came out of the hospital, it was late at night.

She remembered the disappointment and anger in Lance’s eyes when he asked her if she knew what kind of person Charlie was. Thinking about it, Yvette felt that she was too stupid.

She had never known what kind of person Charlie was.

Perhaps Charlie had never hurt her, but many of his actions. seemed to stir up a conflict between her and Lance.

Yvette was so regretful at that time.

Her heart was filled with depression. Yvette did not want to go back alone, so she went to find Ellen.

At the same time…

Do Purpose M

woke up after two days in

the dream, Ellen had become a corpse. No matter how he

when he woke up, the

her eyes became cold, and then she tried to hide

and cried, “Jamie,

front of him, he gave her a perfunctory hug and then

are you going?”

to deal with,” Jamie answered absent-mindedly,

hatred and said softly, “Jamie, something happened while you were

“What is it?”

came to visit Ellen. He said that he was the

you say?” Jamie frowned, his handsome face being so gloomy that

“Ellen is pregnant! And she even paid back 13 million dollars when you were unconscious. I don’t know where she got so much


She has no stomach

only has

“How do you know?”

change that much, but his cold eyes looked so

out to the

is a nurse who takes care of Ellen’s parents. You

said coldly, “Think carefully

if Jamie would destroy her if she said anything

dare to lie and answered honestly, “Ms. Robbins told her parents that it was gastric ulcers. I am not lying. You can go check

what Ellen said to comfort her parents, but she

the nurse leave and called a doctor in. It was the

Jamie what illness Ms. Robbins has

diagnosis report and handed it to Jamie. His body trembled as he said, “Ms. Robbins has gastric ulcers. She gave me money to tell the family members that she has stomach cancer. I’m sorry, sir. I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t owed a

face was getting cold. When she thought that he

still want to

smile made the

forgive me. I was greedy

and grabbed the

deserve to

Jamie threw him away

A loud noise came.

was thrown to the ground in a sorry state, and he felt that his body

telling the truth.

kind of person was worthy

dragged the doctor

comforted him, “I didn’t expect Ellen to be so shrewd, and she even took this method to trick you.

to jail, and their family wouldn’t have to pay for the debts! What a good plan to kill two birds with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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