Secretary’s Secret Lover

Secretary’s Secret Lover By Zayla Quinn Chapter 244

Chapter 244 My Most Important Person

Ellen’s nerves didn’t loosen up until she was carried into the ambulance.

She felt pain in her lower abdomen.

Ellen thought, is my baby gone…

Ellen vomited blood and clenched her fists tightly until her palms bled.

She thought, Jamie McBride… Jamie McBride…

How cruel is this bastard!

The bastard even wants to kill his own child!

Enter title…

In the hospital.

Jamie was still accompanying Fiona.

The examination result showed that Fiona was fine. The fork had been stabbed

awry and did not hit her artery.

At that time, Fiona panicked and covered her neck with her hand. So, it looked

as if she had lost a lot of blood.

However, Fiona freaked out. When Fiona opened her eyes, Fiona kept saying

that Ellen wanted to kill her. Fiona was very frightened, so she stayed in the

hospital for two more days.

At that time, Jamie walked out of the sick room and went to the corridor to get

some air.

Just as Jamie took out a cigarette, his phone suddenly rang. It was from Jack.

“Mr. McBride, I went to pick up Ms. Robbins as you ordered, but she has

already been arranged to be treated by Mr. Wolseley.”

Jamie thought, Lance arranged for Ellen to be treated?

Jamie thought for a few seconds and came up with a clue. He thought, it must

be Yvette who asked Lance to do so.

I remember that there was a missed call from Lance last night. However, Fiona

had a nightmare. So, I forgot to call Lance later.

It should be for this matter.

I don’t intend to lock Ellen up for long. Since that’s the case, I will do Lance a


Forget it. You just need to deal with the follow-up matters.”

“It has been dealt with, and the case has been dismissed.”


Jack hesitated. “But Ms. Robbins seems to be seriously injured inside…”

At that time, a doctor pushed the emergency bed and rushed over.

“Sir, please make way.”

side, glanced at the emergency bed, and

did you just say?”

is hurt

long time, Jack didn’t hear

are you still listening?”

Only beeps were heard.

phone fell to the

He was not moving

on the emergency bed was

was abnormally pale. Her hands were hanging off the

in black blood. They

of her body had stained the white cloth.

of torture

Jamie felt an intense pain in his

a big step forward, grabbed the emergency bed,

the bed

to confirm her identity

Jamie’s hand away.

emergency treatment!”

pulled Jamie hard. “Sir, please don’t

from rescuing the patient!”

himself and slowly freed his

suddenly pulled by a



her eyes. Her eyes


your wish is fulfilled. Your

hoarse. It was impossible to hear what she

her through the movement

that moment,

that child… Could it

Jamie’s expression, and her vision

“Jamie McBride, this is my dying wish. May you

and lonely

filled with endless

He understood all of Ellen’s words that


and Jamie couldn’t speak as if

Ellen’s bloodstained hands.

Jamie gritted his teeth and

to me!

“Sir, the patient


eyes, Jamie

patient’s vocal cords are

this man still

the edge of the bed. After standing

up his phone on the ground and chased after

of the

hands were still

thought, I sent her there in order to

on her mistakes that she disobeyed me

How could this be…

Ellen said that the child was killed by me. What exactly did

against the wall and

inside. If you miss a detail, I’ll

good lesson!”

emergency treatment lasted eight

outside the operating

On the operating table.

face was already ashen,

chief surgeon was the best expert in the hospital. The

young doctor in

Kenyon was still young and was not qualified to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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