Secretary’s Secret Lover

Secretary’s Secret Lover By Zayla Quinn Chapter 277

Chapter 277 The Corpse

The sea was turbulent, and Jamie could not find her.

Without any hesitation, he crossed the railing and was about to jump down. But he was

grabbed by Jack who had just come.

“Mr. McBride, you can’t jump like this! If Ms. Robbins fell in the wrong place, she would

hit the stone…”

Jack didn’t finish his words. He wanted to say that it was meaningless to save her.

Because Ellen would definitely die.

“Let go of me!”

Jamie’s look was as ferocious as a devil, and his voice was heart–wrenching.

The depth of the deep sea was bottomless. Jamie felt that if he took action a bit late,

Ellen would have less chance of surviving.

“Mr. McBride! It is Ms. Robbins’s plan!”

Jack had to tell Jamie the truth. “This morning, there was a huge sum of money in Mrs.

Wolseley’s hospital account, enough to

maintain the cost of the next fifty years. It was Ms. Robbins who transferred the money.”

Was it not obvious enough? Perhaps when Ellen saw her mother yesterday, she had

already had the desire to die.

In an instant, Jamie’s blood stopped flowing.

Ellen had already made up her mind….

She would rather die than stay by his side.

In a split second, Jamie’s heart seemed to have been torn open by someone.

Inch by inch, the wound became bigger.

The pain spread from his heart to every part of his body, and he almost couldn’t bear it


In the darkness, there seemed to be a call coming from the deep blue ocean.

“Jamie… Jamie…”

Jamie felt that his heart had been cut by someone.

His mind went blank, and he could not stand steadily.

Jack held Jamie in time.

Jamie looked up. “If I can’t come up, bury us together when you find us.”

The next second, Jamie jumped down.

With a leap, his body was instantly swallowed up by the vast and boundless sea.

“Mr. McBride!” Jack cried out anxiously.

Then, Jack immediately found Marine Department and dispatched many yachts to

search for them.

By the time Jamie woke up, it was already the next day.

Jack and the people from Marine

They searched the sea for nearly an hour. When they

exhausted and sinking to the bottom

the sea.

eyes, he lifted the quilt and got

stopped him and said, “Mr. McBride, the doctor

to look for Ellen! Have you sent anyone to

his head, saying, “We have found

“Where is she?”

eyes, which had been soaked in the sea,

heard Jack’s words. Jamie stared at Jack and asked,

in the hospital?”

his eyes and said ruthlessly, “Ms. Robbins passed

your loss!”


and fell to

thought, is

is that

car with the thought of killing

be gone

Jamie’s eyes were bloodshot, and he lost consciousness. His voice

asked, “Where is

stammered, “Mr. McBride, I don’t think you should take a look. Ms.


no longer

to the funeral parlor,

damage was too severe. And one leg was lost. It might be dragged away


said firmly, “Take


was very

his mind, and he could not accept

had died.

though Jack had already confirmed that the damaged clothes and

Ellen wore

still could not

Jamie always felt that perhaps Ellen hid somewhere because she didn’t want

died. And if

with his own eyes, he definitely wouldn’t

came to a

The damaged body was covered with a

At that moment, his hand

uncovered the

Instantly, he

as if his

moment, he couldn’t hear anything. It was so

lost his hearing. He

He did not dare to admit it, and he did not want to admit

body was bloody, the feature

Ellen, it must be your

they looked

rummaged through the


McBride!” Jack stopped him in

And on the only remaining piece of skin on her slender


and beautiful.

was incompatible with this

vomited blood

Fresh blood sprayed

seemed to have suffered a devastating

was so cruel. He couldn’t lie


Jamie hugged the broken body tightly and knelt on

resounded throughout the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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