Chapter 328 I Will Attend His Funeral

Ellen hurriedly got out of the car and was slightly stunned when she saw the person on the ground. It was Jack.

She was just about to call the hospital when she saw Jack limping over.

“Ms. Robbins, I’m fine.”

Ellen saw that there was no obvious blood on his body, but his legs were slightly lame..

Maybe the rain had made a buffer so that he did not fall so seriously.

Ellen narrowed her eyes slightly and said coldly, “You should go to the hospital and have a check. I will call the police now to make a record so that there will be no more problems in the follow–up.”

“Ms. Robbins!”

Jack suddenly knelt down with a bang.

“Ms. Robbins, I’m really fine. I came here to ask you to visit Mr. McBride.”

Ellen looked at Jack indifferently and did not say anything.

Jack’s eyes were red, and he swallowed, “Ms. Robbins, Mr. McBride has been kneeling for eight hours. He almost had a heat stroke at noon and was washed by the heavy rain now. He just vomited a lot of blood. It seems that he will lose consciousness soon…‘

Jack wanted Ellen to go over. Of course, he had to say something miserable.

However, Jack did not lie. If Jamie kept waiting like this, he might really faint.

“Does it have anything to do with me?” Ellen said lightly.

Jack’s face froze.

The rest of the words were stuck in his throat, unable to be said.

After a while, Jack said, “Ms. Robbins, Mr. McBride knelt there because of your words.”

Ellen sneered, “Is he a dog? Why is he so obedient?”

Jack was stunned.

“Ms. Robbins, do you know how Mr. McBride is in the five years?”

Jack said in pain, “In addition to work, Mr. McBride goes back to accompany the ‘you‘ at home on time. He also stays with her for a long time and has been infected with breathing for a long time. Therefore, he suffers from serious pneumonia. From time to time, he will cough up blood and can’t breathe. In the past five years, I have advised him countless times, but he is unwilling to go to the hospital for treatment. He is punishing himself every day.”

Thinking of Jamie’s life in the past five years, Jack couldn’t stop crying even if he was a cold person.

Jack had never seen anyone who tortured himself for fun, as if only those discomfort and pain could make Jamie live.

“Ms. Robbins, I am not begging you to forgive him, but right now, only you can save Mr. McBride.”

Jack knocked his head against the ground.

When he looked up again, his forehead was covered in blood.

He cried, “Ms. Robbins, Mr. McBride has been living a life worse than death all these years. I beg you to show mercy, give him a chance, and save him.”

“A chance?”

on her face and said coldly.

Will you give the person who forced

the person a chance who destroyed your

you give the person a chance who pushed you to hell a

few simple questions, but each word was enough to show

not refute

had always been a bystander to what happened to Ellen all those years

see Jamie’s tangled and unbearable feelings, but as the person involved,

could only beg, “Ms. Robbins, I beg

felt that it was a little funny. “Well,


in the end, Chris and Bailee’s endings

would choose to commit such an

this world, everyone is equal. Everyone’s life matters and everyone has to pay the price for what he has done wrong!”

Ellen finished speaking, she pulled out the door

She looked

my misery. Back then, you chose to be silent and watch coldly. Now, please keep your mouth shut.

about to leave, Ellen suddenly remembered

message to Mr. McBride for me. If he

the red sports car lit up.

sideways to avoid it. He watched as the red taillights ran

returned to the

knelt even straighter than

Jack approached, Jack saw Jamie’s thumb digging deep into the wound on

not for the blood still seeping

was obviously unable to distinguish right from wrong. His lips kept squirming, but he could

imitated the shape of Jamie’s lips and pieced together a


no longer bear it. He knelt on the

I didn’t find

Jack lied.

on with his current physical

not that you didn’t

as he struggled to


impossible for Jack to

time Jack had lied to

curled his lips and revealed a smile that

want to come,

shame and said, “Mr. McBride, I’m sorry.


thin lips moved, and

he could not feel the pain, Jamie continued in an

me. I am not that weak. I want to

only dared to lie once. He did not

Ellen said in full

Jack’s plain description of the

had stolen the contract and handed

contract out of selfishness.

contract at

at that time, Jamie had no other choice.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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