Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Hungry son-in-law

When Grey returned home, it was late in the night and he was damn hungry. He called the maids but no one replied to him. He concluded that they were obviously asleep.

He decided to make some pancakes for himself.

Just as he grabbed the bag of flour, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and stared back at his hard face of Emma.

“What did you think you were doing?” Her voice was sharp and brittle.

“I‘m trying to make dinner,” he explained.

” Then, you better accept your poor fate. This is my kitchen and not yours. And you will do me the favor of walking out of it,” she snapped.

” But I‘m starving,” he protested.

” I‘m going to get security if you don‘t leave this place right now!” Her voice went above normal.

Grey signed and dropped the flour. He grabbed his phone and walked towards the door.

“Never forget what I‘ve told you,” Emma started suddenly, pulling Grey to a stop. “You are not my son–in law, Chris is. And it will only take a while before the owner will take its place. Don‘t think you are part of us now or you own the whole place because you don‘t,” she warned.

Grey opened the bedroom door slowly. Avery‘s voice surfaced. She was laughing. Grey used the opportunity to step inside.

“No, I‘m very sure he‘s going to proclaim me on my birthday,” she laughed, perhaps to what the caller on the other end had said. ” Yes, the contract has been finalized. And my grandfather acknowledged my efforts,” she laughed the more.

Grey was more than hungry and he regretted not having anything at Aphrodite‘s place. He slipped under the cover, beside Avery.


Grey is around,” and she turned towards Grey, though his back was against her. “What do you think you are doing

“I‘m too hungry to exchange words tonight. I will sleep like this and I promise not to turn around or

instead. “I forgot that you‘ve spent your advance payment. Since you didn‘t think of food when you were buying expensive suits,” she shook her head in pity.”

you. Can

the maids? Or are you planning on

worried about

I only want you out of my life and not out of the world. Get up!

wondered what was happening but he

towards the maid’s quarter. When Grey got closer, he realized that she was already speaking

he wondered how she made them wake up when he had tried to do the exact thing but no one

you guys are going

walked inside the kitchen

Grey muttered

really grateful, you should think of a way to end this marriage,” she hinted and

smiled. Maybe Avery still had a trace

was already set for work when he woke up. He slept really late because the maids delayed the food for

looked up at his wife

one for you. How can a husband wake up at this time?” She accused him as she adjusted her

want to start explaining what had happened. Instead, he walked inside the bathroom and tried to hurry up

walked out again, the family was already having breakfast. Thankfully,

have here!” Smith laughed

before. Maybe it was too dark for Grey to take note of all the cars in the

morning in–laws,” Grey greeted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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