Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Fix it

Grey got to the gym alone that morning as Richard called in sick.

He has been hitting the gym for three days now with no information from Pablo but he didn’t want to relent especially when the lives of his men were in danger. Grey knew they were still alive due to what Alex had told him. Actually, he had a lot to do that morning. He needed to make a voice message that shows he was in support of Victoria Skincare as the Hercules. So, Maria was coming to Beatrice’s house.

Then after that, he would tell Linda to proceed with letting the world know that Hercules was the second brand ambassador.

“Grey,” Alex smiled brightly at him.

Grey reciprocated it. “Good morning to you.”

Alex regarded him for a moment. “You are actually looking more fit than I expected, maybe it’s because of your body structure. You are naturally gifted with broad shoulders,” he complimented.

Grey sent him a smile.” It’s all due to your hard work.”

Alex nodded briefly. “I’m having a little party at my house in three days, would you be able to make it?”

Grey nodded quickly.” Why not? I will never miss it.” Alex laughed at this. “Well, I have good news for you,” his face went straight and he moved his mouth closer to Grey’s ear. “Pablo wants to meet you tonight.”

The news came as a shock to Grey.” Really?”

Alex pulled back and nodded. “Come at the same time you did the other time.”

so that I don’t get late for work,” Grey informed

The moment he got inside the car, he placed a call to Gregory. He picked it

smiled and pulled into the street. “Well, we don’t need excess planning. We’ve already discussed how we want it to be. You guys only need to carry it out.” Gregory went silent for a moment. “Can you make use of Luciano’s men for those that would attack Atomic Liquors? Your men should be the ones that would prepare to visit Giovanni’s home. You know we can’t trust your men

I will inform others and

Don? Tell him not to take any of his men.” He

give you feedback when the plan

your men, and you would be able to apprehend the spy today. I will

smiling at him, A

waiting for

her head briefly. “Just for thirty

could have told your assistant to follow me but I didn’t want to let her know you are,” she pulled to a

look Grey gave her almost made her

still living despite knowing who I am is because of your loyalty. The moment that is

I just want you to know you can

that I made a nice decision to make you my secretary. Give me a few minutes to get dressed. And get

her face. She was just so

inside. “I’m getting ready for work. I will be out soon.” “No problem, take your time. I have someone here from



really thought about it. But well, what would happen next would be confirming his identity as the son of

would be able to think of the next thing by then. He got dressed in a black tuxedo. He decided to keep it cool that day. He did his tie and grabbed his briefcase before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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