Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Revealed Grey wasn’t really surprised but he was shocked. He had always thought it was Alex but lie didn’t think he could be the one, coupled with thie fact that Alex referred to Giovanni as his fatlier.

Alex smiled. “Now that you’ve seen me, Grey. You have successfully become my right hand,” he declared.

Grey huffed inwardly. If only Alex knew who he was. “Here,” one of the men rushed back with the clothes. He stretched it out to Alex.

Alex took it and stared down at it for a moment before he looked up at Grey. “No one must know about this. You are not supposed to tell anyone who the face behind Pablo is,” he warned sternly.

Grey managed a nod, still pretending to be surprised. Well, he was a bit surprised. To even think that Alex was who he had been looking for all these while. He intentionally started the gym to hide his identity and he did it so well. Though he had his doubts, he was always forced to think otherwise sometimes.

a step before he pulled to a stop again. “Don’t forget the party. I will be expecting you,” and with that, he walked away. Grey blinked once, and a smile appeared on his face. He walked back to the mini club where he got back his phone and texted Gregory about where his men were. Grey walked out of the hallway and saw some of his men but he couldn’t find Gregory. Just as one of the men raised his gun towards Grey, Don stepped out from behind the men. “Don’t touch him, he’s with us,” Don informed and moved closer to Grey. “Are you alright?” Grey nodded briefly. “You guys should go to the basement, I’m coming behind

can’t afford to let Pablo see that

know that I will be with a purple nose mask and they should know I’m with them,” he informed and walked out of the club before Don

him to Pablo but he didn’t want to leave Don and Gregory behind. He pulled off his t-shirt and opened the door to retrieve a nose mask. He retrieved a new t-shirt from the back seat before he hurried back

one from Pablo or any strangers around. Don was

his way toward the basement. A man came out of nowhere, aiming a punch at him. Grey dodged quickly. It was

kick in the stomach. Another attacks him from behind. It was at this moment he discovered that he had once seen them with Alex. Alex acted as if he wasn’t the owner of Atomic Liquors but he was.

and kicked him in the abdomen. When he saw that the men

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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