Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Who the Boss is

Smith regarded Avery for a moment, daring her to start a conversation about the company’s


Avery didn’t want to say anything anyways because she had no time for it. She was going to wait according to Smith’s promise.

“I made some investigations and I’m intrigued to discover that Grey actually owns Victoria skincare,” Emma stated, with a hint of surprise.

“You mean the company that is making heads already?” Benjamin asked, confused.

“Yes, I’m telling you!” Emma affirmed. “You can ask Avery. She knows more than I do! I just don’t know why she didn’t tell us anything before the divorce.”

Lucy looked up, a bit shocked. He hadn’t expected Grey to succeed so much but he suddenly knew he had the potential.

“Don’t be so optimistic about it. He’s going down soon. LX will always top,” Smith expressed.

Avery groaned but didn’t answer. She was just tired of everything. On second thought, she stood. “I’m leaving for work,” she took her bag and walked out of the room without another word.

Grey woke up late that morning. In fact, he felt very tired and just had to stay in bed until eight that morning.

He placed a call to Richard and he picked it up immediately.

“Good morning Boss.”

“Good morning. I hope you haven’t forgotten about today. I will be ready soon. You should come to Beatrice’s house.”

I will be there soon,” He responded and the

billionaire club, he would be using Friday to learn how to


and Caramel were having breakfast. Caramel was in a short peach dress that

can actually create a space for you here. You can sleep over

sure I won’t,” Grey said suddenly, startling the

to look at him.

morning. You all look so happy

made some pancakes. Should I dish yours out?” Caramel asked, with a smile plastered across her face. She was used

watched Caramel walk away to retrieve some

does? I mean can she stay with us? She could spend some nights here, then leave. It wouldn’t happen

sincerely. It’s your house anyways. So, you can let anyone

that fine?” Grey nodded briefly. “Everything is fine as long as

head briefly. “No, but I have more important things to do. I will speak with you later

suddenly and Grey looked at Beatrice. “That should be Don. I called him for security

front of Grey. “I

on Beatrice’s phone. She took the phone and stretched it out to

and read through it, a smile

office without

up slowly, already frustrated by her constant yelling and lack of company manners sometimes. “What is

in front of him. “This,” she gestured at the chart,

realized what Mia was trying to say. He jumped up suddenly, as happiness surged into

total hit!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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