Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 57

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 57 – I Am Jealous

The next morning, I woke up early with my mom and had breakfast with her. Akin dropped them off at the airport while I stayed awake in the foyer. I was waiting for Akin to return home so that I could speak to him before Gwen woke up and stole all of their attention. While in the foyer, I kept feeling itchy in the back.

I had to rub my back against the couch like a bear for I don’t know how long. The more I itched, the more irritation it caused.

“It is not okay,” I whispered to myself, feeling a little sweaty, but not too bad since it was too cold already.

Title of the document

“I need to meet Akin and see if my wolf connects with him. After that, I am taking my medicine—s,” I grunted, running my arms behind my back to itching my skin more violently. That’s when Akin’s car arrived in the parking lot, and I jumped to my feet to run into him. I stood at the entrance and watched him get out of the car and walk my way. He was frowning when he approached the door.

“Why are you standing here?” he asked, trying to walk past me.

“Remember, you said we need to see if I am mated to you all?” I whispered, opening my arms to block his way inside.

that,” he stepped back, his


are mates with me? That’s disgusting.” he grimaced at my suggestion, “I remember suggesting we should see just so that I can find a way

a disgusting thing to him. Nobody was happy to learn I was their

what about me? I cannot lose all my mates,” I whispered in a dejected

to be my stepsister. I am not taking part in anything that would question my morals,” he complained, raising his hands

serious conversation. He looked behind me, and the frown on his face disappeared. His eyes held so much respect for her that even I

that was able to fall perfectly over her b*rea*sts and hip bones. She was

hugging herself. Akin didn’t waste a single minute

am fine,” she instantly took it off and stepped back from him, “I am so sorry. I am just not-my body doesn’t react well to anyone touching me.”

Don’t worry, I will keep my germs to myself,”

for you,” he rushed over to the fireplace and set it up for her. The way he was running around for her comfort seemed like a young boy in love. I stood in the corner, watching them interact like

even feeling like

sat down by the fireplace, watching him wrap a blanket around her but making sure

didn’t respect me? Maybe I was reluctant. Would they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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