Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 89

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 89 – She Stole My Mate.

I stayed in sheer panic in the bedroom, wondering if I should tell the brothers about the weredragon in the pack or not.

“I must speak to Helel. He needs to be aware of the dan- ger lurking in the dark streets of our pack.” I jumped out of bed, completely forgetting what had happened downstairs. It was sad how quickly I got over everything. I wouldn’t cry too much for anything. That’s just who I was.

I rushed out of the room and knocked hard on Helel’s bedroom door until he opened it. He was shirtless and wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Title of the document

It threw me off, and instead of instantly talking about the guy, I gulped and lowered my face.

“Why did you come here?” He had a stern look on his face. I couldn’t really speak my mind when he was looking so hot and furious.

“I wanted to talk about something,” I uttered, trying to walk closer to him when he pulled his hand up to stop my proceeding steps.

“I cannot believe I thought you were genuinely an honest girl who is too upfront about her feelings and emotions, but I was wrong. You turned out to be pretty sneaky, telling us Zane was trying to make us

motioned for me to take a step

of my room, go fool someone else,” Helel ordered and my jaw met the floor. He then nuzzled me until I was out of his room and locked the door as if I were some thief who

listen to me,” I said to myself as I made my way downstairs. I knew I could be walking straight into trouble and bumping into Zane, but telling them about a weredragon

his voice coming from Gwen’s room. It was a surprise, but I didn’t think too

noticed the door was slightly ajar. I could see Gwen sitting at the edge of the bed, with Akin standing

asked with teary eyes. She had finally

looking guilty when talking about the

Either you are mates or not,” she said and looked down to cover her face in her hands, “I know it is not your fault

he questioned, taking

now sounds wrong, but I kind of grew feelings for you,” she uncovered her face from her hands and said the deadliest words. The words that could become one’s nightmare when spoken

look of shock on Akin’s face slowly faded into a smile. And

his eyes only for her, and now that she had

she heard him say he was my mate, yet she confessed

say anything, she straightened her back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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