Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 99

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 99 – Heartless Mates

Soon I got my hands on her in a struggle to see the pendant closely. The way she was backing away and hiding it be- hind the towel just didn’t seem normal to me, and that gave me more courage to get aggressive with her.

After what Colt had told me about an enemy k*illing the brothers, I just couldn’t look away from this subject.

“Show me that pendant!” I yelled, trying to untie her fingers from around the pendant. For someone who claims to have lost their wolf, she was extremely powerful. I noticed how barely she was moving, yet I couldn’t unlock a single fin- ger of hers.

Title of the document

“What are you doing?” She grunted, lifting her knee up to hit me in the stomach in the process of pushing me away from her.

“Just show it to me,” I winced silently but didn’t let go. I could tell she knew what I was asking to see, but she kept yelling and asking me what I wanted.

The commotion caught enough attention for the brothers to barge in one by one. I heard them let out grunts before stepping between us.

Gwen was trying not to uncover the pendant from around her neck by holding the towel over it, while I was trying to snatch that same towel away from her.

and painful grasp around my arm pulled me back from her. I realized it was Helel who had separated us. Soon, Akin rushed between us to

was holding me by my back to keep me from reaching Gwen again while she rushed into Akin’s arms to act all

NOT A FOREST, STOP ACTING LIKE f*uc*kING ANIMALS,” Akin raised his voice to silence us. My struggles subsided, and fi- nally, Helel let me go, but only to march between us and make sure I didn’t get near her again. Even Maddox had walked over to her side to stare at me in silence. Zane was standing in the door frame beside me, hardly taking anyone’s side. He was usually the one who loved to watch the show and later announce whose side he was on. In my scenario, it would not be a

pendant—-,” I paused to catch my breath. I was wheezing, trying to get a

Helel slapped his forehead, making it appear as

and shook

of her; what else?” His comment made

all think I am doing it just to bother her? Fine, let me show you,” I grumbled as I lunged for her pendant.

I couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. I did not touch

Helel and Akin yelled in

and I could tell

yelled from afar. I was finally able to lift my head

k*illed her,” Helel muttered, throwing the water bottle from

is angry because she keeps getting rejected,” Mad- dox muttered and scoffed. “I have told you guys to f*uc*king kick her out, but you never listened. Now, look at what she did. Imagine that mom comes to stay with us someday and does that. She and her mother are f*uc*king w*ho*res—,” Maddox had only said those

They looked offended.

a word about my mother,” I yelled, trying to reach Maddox again to push him when Akin grabbed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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