Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 101

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 101 – I Want s*e*x, A Lot of It.

“Can you please come pick me up?” The first thing I said made him go silent for a moment before he cleared his throat to speak again.

“You sound okay.” It wasn’t like he was talking to me. I bet he was wondering how he could have a dream about me.

“Just tell me where you are, and I will be there in a minute,” he said in haste. He didn’t hang up because he knew I would be scared if I had no one to speak to. Soon he had arrived on his bike.

Title of the document

“Are you okay?” His eyes grew double when he watched me sit on the ground with so many bruises on my body. The fall really made me look worse.

Once I didn’t answer him, he pulled away from me and scratched the back of his neck in confusion.

I kept sitting on the roadside while he looked through his bag for some bandages and ointments to apply to my forehead. I had hurt myself really badly when trying to get away from someone I mistook for a monster.

“I don’t know what happened, but wandering on the road at this time of night is not safe,” Colt said, grabbing a red ointment bottle out of his black leather bag with cotton buds in his other hand.

I haven’t spoken a word because of my dry throat. I was still in shock. I acted that way.

you up good.” He crouched down in front of me and gently dabbed the

stared at me while waiting for me to

did I tell you before that your name is pretty?” he said, trying to make me respond to him. I was too stunned by what happened at the mansion to speak. The brothers cared less about me, and I had been serving myself to them like a

you now?” He inquired, as he zipped his bag once again. I could tell he

my emotions. All they thought of me was

be extremely rude to me one day and be in my bed the very next day without having to apologize first. Or maybe they thought I could not have better s*e*x than them. Everybody told

s*e*x,” my lips uttered as I decided to show my mates I can

myself and then go back home. I’ll be able to resist them

around in confusion. “You want to have s*e*x with me?” He

get.” I said it

but—,” he scratched the back of his neck as he hesitated to look me

I requested that no emotions take over my face. My entire surroundings were kind of blurry at this

will pay,” I

He said. Obviously, we have just met, so he

if my friends join?” He had to say it in a low tone. Maybe he thought I would have demands. I had

I wasn’t thinking at all. My self-esteem wanted a

and invite my friends over.” He seemed ready for anything. In the next few minutes, he was already making calls

stayed still for a moment, staring at him, and then got up to sit behind him. I wore the helmet he gave me, and soon we were on the

don’t know what was up with me, but I was just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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