Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 113

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 113 – Fingering Her!

“Well done, Reign!” Mr. Mykel complimented her once again. After Maddox heard me ask for the antidote, the hallucination withered away, and I drifted back to reality. I found out Maddox could hear and watch me all the time, but Reign kept lying on the ground for him. He carried her back to the mansion, where she woke up and told everyone what had happened. Since she suffered in the dream, I told the details except for the last bit.

I didn’t talk about the girl in the hood.

“But I couldn’t fight her,” Reign expressed her sadness with a pout, sitting near the fireplace and being wrapped in the blanket.

Title of the document

“It is not always about winning! It is about facing your fears.” Akin walked in with a glass of wine to offer it to Mr. Mykel. The other students have already left, while the sisters were going to stay here for the night.

“Thank you. I will take a leave then and continue tomorrow,” Mr. Mykel chugged the whole glass in one go and got up to bid a goodbye for the day.

Zane was sitting on the couch and staring at Reign in silence, whereas Maddox had Dream all over his lap. Helel was nowhere in sight, probably too butthurt from hearing a rejection for the first time.

“I will drop you at the border,” Akin offered him a ride till the border and Mr. Mykel accepted it happily. Soon the two left, and we were sitting around in the living room with an awkward silence and Dream smooching against Maddox’s cheek and neck.

Zane inquired, taking a lot of interest in Reign.

Reign answered, sneakily looking at Maddox and Dream and then lowering her

powders help us see the nightmares come to life?” Zane rubbed his

don’t know, honestly,”

turned to me to question me. I should have known he would catch onto me when I hesitantly stopped answering them in the middle of providing

“Nope!” I lied again.


know about the powder?” Maddox

his eyes at his brother. The reason he asked was because he couldn’t

of the physical health and training stuff. He must have heard of it,” Dream suggested, and for the

around and realized only he

at the poor machines.” Zane let out a little laugh as he reported.

have a crush on

I will be in my room then.” Zane got off the

in Maddox’s ears, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear her. Maddox didn’t look too into it, but then he made eye contact with me

of his finger on her

back, we can leave.” Maddox then stopped her from getting off the couch because he wanted me to

a free show for me, but

ran his finger down and slipped into her tight leggings. Dream moved her butt up and spread her legs to make a room for his finger as he

little kisses over her chin while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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