Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 164

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 164 – Too embarra*s*sed To Be Related

“What did you say?” In shock, I inquired from Maddox. His claims left me speechless. He was staring into my eyes with much pain.

“I heard you and Helel talk about Colt,” he paused, closing his eyes and walking away to calm down first. I watched him wander around, run his hands through his hair, and fix hist posture before returning to me.

“I knew Colt was a weredragon. I also knew Helel was looking for him, so—- I did what I could to-save your friend. I found him first and hid him in the cabin. I was going to help him escape the country. I couldn’t give him any cellphone to contact you or anyone else because I didn’t want anyone else to get blamed for a*s*sociating with and helping the weredragon.” Maddox admitted to doing so much for me and not even telling me about it.

Title of the document

I was just watching him with no idea how to respond to him.

“You didn’t even tell me—,” I sighed, feeling like an idiot for thinking nobody would help Colt.

“I didn’t have to. I just wanted to help him with you.” He whispered, “But then what did you do? The instant you are in pain, you went over to him and he—,” Maddox’s expressions changed again as misconceptions clouded his mind.

“You are wrong. Nothing happened between us. You think I cheated on you just because you saw me n*aked in his bath- tub? Did you not see all the bruises on my body or on my face?” I asked because, as I recalled, he did lock eyes with mine.


throat. I wish I could tell him a lie, but that would only make things worse between us. Prior to coming here, I had made up my mind to break up with Maddox, but after he told me what he had done for me, I just couldn’t

a little hope. A sliver of hope that if he can hide and protect Colt for me, he will do the same for

his eyes and sink in the information with fresh pain that he might have felt in-

from the start,” I said,

approaching us. I stepped back from Maddox and f*orc*ed a smile across my lips. Whoever it was, they didn’t

who is not asleep tonight.” Flynn walked out. into

are you doing here at this hour of the night, Beat-

f*uc*k are you questioning her?” Maddox didn’t even

well. In fact, she is more than just a step—,” Flynn had a smirk covering his lips when talking nonsense, but Maddox wasn’t in the mood tonight. When he grabbed his

me,” Flynn muttered at Maddox. I

Maddox.” I walked over to Maddox and gently nuzzled his

you make me, Flynn? I heard you want to be the Alpha king,

was clear on Flynn’s face as Maddox kept mocking him and belittling him while he couldn’t even get

ever since he had come, but I was worried about Mad- dox. He would

but with much more.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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