Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 185

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 185 – Please, Leave Me Alone.

The eerie silence and the dark night. Nothing scares me anymore. I saw worse just a few hours ago.

My mom packed our bags, and Akin took us in his car to depart for our new home. My mom had been sobbing in the backseat of Akin’s car while I was just silent.

There was a weird war going on inside my head, and I was determined not to take my pills and let my dragon take over and kill everyone else alive.

Title of the document

Nothing intrigued me.

I badly needed Ace to talk with me. She could comfort me with her words. “Where are we going to live now?” Mom finally stopped crying just so that she could ask Akin what was planned for us.

“Don’t worry, you will get a shelter and food,” Akin mumbled, fixing the mirror to spare me a glance. I was looking right back at him, so he had to quickly turn his gaze away.

“Do you think what he is doing to us is fair?” Mom mumbled in a crying tone, “And how are you letting him do this to her? Isn’t she your mate?’ It was ironic that now my mother was the one who reminded Akin that we are mates. She was so against the idea prior to this, and look at her now.

“So Helel wasn’t going to library to meet up with Jessie,” a random thought flashed before my mind and the words just slipped out of my lips.

save Colt because he

You still have a chance with the other brother,’ my mother pinched my arm and gestured at

window side even more to look outside

about Helel, and they would

near the fields and got out of the car to greet a lady, who seemed to have been waiting for

here?” My mother complained, trying to look around and get as much information

lady, Akin returned to us and opened the door to my side while my mom walked

to be a loyal servant to my parents, but after his unfortunate demise, Pamela and her son were given a permit to live on this side of the fields as a rogue.” Akin introduced the lady to us, who

tell I’ve been through

need any money or

for my mother to give her a hug. I found reluctance in

mom with her bags while

was wrinkled now. His hair was a

please let me know. Just tell me, okay?” He whispered, his eyes

help me,” I said, not wanting another brother to die for

will get a new one and text you with my new number.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and held my hand to put it in my

for doing so much for

cannot stop me from caring for you. I will come every day to check on you whether you like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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