Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 211

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 211- His Eyes On My n*ake*d b*reas*ts

“What?” Akin took a step back and stared at me from head to toe before shaking his head and making sure he heard me right.

‘I called you in the morning,” I mumbled, folding my arms over my chest and tapping my foot on the ground. It took him a minute to realize how I knew what he had been up to, but when he did realize, he raised his head and sighed in distress.

“Have nothing to say now?” I scoffed, not changing my posture and judging him.

Title of the document

“Look! I have told you that I will help you whenever you need me, but finding his body is—not something you should do. He is gone; let him rest.” His words stung me like a bee. He had once again disappointed me.

“Fine. You go ahead and have fun. I will find him on my own,” I said, staring at him before turning around.

“I wasn’t hav— It is complicated, okay?” He rushed after me and held my hand again, stopping me from walking away from him. I had so much happening with me, from getting kissed by Zane to being warned to stay away from him and then facing Akin, that I just gave up.

him what he never

wrong. You forgot about him after a month and moved on. It is just sad because I really thought you were not like the others and were a bit

crush on me?” He asked in a soft voice, “Something different from what you felt with my other brothers?” He asked again, and

mate that you adore, but at least don’t turn your face away from the brother who lost his life because his father

was a little too much for

Pamela walk out of the mansion

hand to pull me back. Watching him do that, Pamela looked away to give the impression that she

his body,” he whispered, finally setting my arm free and stepping back from

of their property, a car stopped by our side, and the driver told us that Akin had asked him to drop

couldn’t help but think about what that old lady had

if she ever finds out I am a weredragon myself. But that also intrigued me into knowing more about Pamela’s mate

us near the tall gra*s*s,

we stepped inside, Pamela yelped at the sight of her

hugged Pamela. While doing so, his eyes landed on me.

his eyes focused on something that I realized the rain had made my dress turn transparent. He was

turned my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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