Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 228

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 228 – A Romantic Date

Beatrice’s POV:

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, relying on Zane as he held my hand and walked me through the track. On our way to the mountains, Zane had blindfolded me.

I almost tripped when I got out of the car. Zane was now making sure I didn’t roll down by wrapping his arm around my back and holding my other hand tightly. “Shush! We are just here,” he whispered, pecking my earlobe very delicately.

Title of the document

I giggled to myself and kept walking with him, finally coming to a halt when the scent of roses filled my nostrils, along with the aroma of a fresh breeze.

“Now!” he whispered, taking off my blindfold and introducing me to a romantic date setup. “I worked on it myself,” he added, stepping aside and spreading his arms wide with a prideful smile on his lips.

“Zane! I have no words—,” I covered my mouth as shock hit me hard. The beautiful hand built chuppah had these fairy lights decorated nicely around it which were beginning to illuminate brightly now that the evening has arrived. “Who prepared the food?” I turned to him and smiled. My little purple dress was flowing in the wind. I was constantly holding it back while teasing Zane. “Well, I prepared it myself. Your mate is not only handsome but very creative and hard working too,” he smirked when praising himself with a deep breath, gesturing someone to quickly sneak out from behind me to leave us alone. I’m a*s*suming that was the chef who had prepared the food.

’but for now, let’s enjoy this perfect meal.” He held his hand

ran behind the chair

him. He sat down proudly and filled a glass of wine

been learning—,” He deliberately took a pause to sip through his wine before he added, “from my

moment before we both burst out laughing. The joke was

father had proven over the course of time that he would be anything but a gentleman. He was a self-centered man who had achieved the title of Lord with the help of

what he did so generously that the Moon

said suddenly, stopping to smile and reaching for my hand,

between. I just didn’t feel the same way towards her as I do towards you. The very first day when I watched you walk through that school’s gate, I felt my heart racing in my chest. I was instantly drawn to you, but then, in the next minute, I found out you are mated with Flynn. It angered me but then I found it

trauma we caused you that day. It will live with me forever, but I will do my best to become a better mate and do better for you. I’ll help you in any way I can. No matter what, Beatrice, I’ll never leave your

that he had caused me trauma in the past, but I guess we all have

received a second chance myself, as my

something,” he

steadily slipped my hand out

I ask him if his love would change for me after finding out that I’m not a werewolf but a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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