Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 243

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 243 – In The Wrong Arms.

“Beatrice!” He ran without a care in the world and came to support my body when I lost my balance. I had been forcing myself to get away from the cabin, and during all this struggle, I have really exhausted myself. My ankle was in pain, my eyes were itching, and my throat was dry.

His strong, muscular arms were like a net of safety for me.

“Maddox!” I whispered his name when I dropped to my knees but did not hit the ground because he was holding me up.

Title of the document

His fresh cologne filled my nostrils and opened my mind to realize I have been saved. The way he held me tightly, I knew he was trying to tell the world that nobody could steal me from him now.

He pulled me closer to his chest and hugged me even more tightly with his one arm; with the other, he cupped my face and kissed my one cheek first, my other cheek next, then my forehead and my chin.

“You are okay; I got you!” he whispered to my lips. I swear his heart was beating so loudly, too. I wonder if he was worried he wouldn’t find me.

was whimpering lifelessly, on the brink of passing out. “He can’t do S*hi*t when I am alive,” he grunted, tucking my head in his chest and rubbing my back. He

rushed me out of the mountains and placed me in the backseat of a car. I was then beginning to notice that we were not alone in the car. There was someone beside me who was rubbing my hand and

worry, you’re safe now,” Reign said, close to

“Cover her up,” he told Reign,

f*uc*k that bastard,” Maddox yelled as he

taking her to the

I am rushing her to the f*uc*king hospital.” Maddox yelled at Reign. I wanted to stop him, but I couldn’t speak a word. Reign innocently lowered her head and

car passing by him. By the time he was carrying me to the hospital, I had fallen asleep. I woke up to the doctors checking me and patching up my head,

waking up, I found Maddox sleeping in the chair near my bed. He had asked for a private room for me. Reign was also in the room when she saw me waking up. She rushed

chaos, making doctors suffer so much by telling them how to do their work,” she smiled uncomfortably. The way her eyes shone when talking about Maddox reminded me of her

I asked, and she shook her

at him. He was cutely sleeping in

for you two. I didn’t know what would have happened if

wasn’t every day that Maddox came to the cafe and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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