Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 255

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 255 – On A Mission With Akin.

“That’s ridiculous; how can you lie like that?” Akin had dragged her into the empty office of the doctor to have a word with her. Varisha was shamelessly passing glares at me, as if she truly believed her son hadn’t tried hurting me. “I have never seen someone as shameless as you. No wonder you gave birth to such a disgusting creature,” I muttered at her, watching her clench her fists at me.

“How da—?” Before she could even take one step closer to me, Maddox stepped between us and backed her down.

“Your son kidnapped her. I found her in the cabin he had bought. And what’s interesting is that he had managed to buy the exact cabin that is protected from any sort of magic,” Maddox stated, watching her nervously gulp and then fold her arms over her chest.

Title of the document

“I don’t care what kind of lies you are coming up with for my son but if anything happened to him, I will make sure you all pay severely,” she threatened to us, “I have spoken to Lord Vasquez, he will be taking a flight to here soon. And then we will see how Zane gets out of this trouble just like he always does,” she hissed, staring right at Zane, who was standing in the corner, looking unbothered. We were all waiting for him to say something in his defense, but he was standing there as if he were the culprit. The door to the office dramatically opened, and in came Lady Sofia. I almost forgot about her, but from the looks of it, one could tell she had come here to fight a battle.

“How dare your nasty tongue spoke of my son’s name? You know well my son never did that. Even when your son is dying, your focus is to drag him along instead of demanding the authoritative gammas find the monster.” Sofia’s eyes were red from anger. She was shaking when making statements.

don’t give a f*uc*k who gets Vasquez,

a shield. The awkwardness ended when Varisha stomped

am sure the doctor told her Flynn was out of danger, so she was now

Sofia ordered, passing a brief glance at

anywhere,” Zane scoffed, shrugging

breakup,” Sofia said, and I could

not. I am a bad guy. Let me get whatever is thrown my way,” Zane said, probably trying to make me understand why he wasn’t defending himself. “You are being immature. That’s not how you are going to act after you messed up,” Akin raised his voice

blame for something you didn’t do is like you trying

Sofia stepped between the brothers and spoke softly

those two communicated. Sofia always looked his way apologetically, and Akin would grunt and look away from her. The lack of eye

is he acting like a brat? Why don’t you ask her?” Akin shrugged his shoulders, and just like

to Beatrice,” she said, calling my name out of nowhere and shocking me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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