Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 261

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 261 – When He Is A Sc*umB*ag.

It was the most awkward car ride. It was filled with silence as Akin refused to talk to me. He didn’t even look my way.

I still had the camera in my hand, and my motive was clear. This camera would go straight to Lord Vasquez and we all together will watch Flynn take a fall.

We were headed to the Spade mansion, where we were going to speak to Lord Vasquez. After an hour-long ride, we finally arrived, and my phone had already drained all the battery.

Title of the document

Once getting out of the car, I rushed in Akin’s direction to have one last word with him.

“Beatrice, move!” he demanded, not even looking me in the eye.

“Come on. I understand I messed up, but trust me, I have changed my plan.” I excused myself, feeling guilty every time I watched him look away from me. It was truly unfair that I took away his choices from him.

“Let’s focus on getting rid of one issue for now.” Akin cleared his throat, but didn’t sound too harsh this time. I was beginning to think that maybe now he was calming down.

mansion once again where I was told to never set

stepping in. Akin stopped a few steps ahead of us and turned around

inside,” the guard grunted, probably not even watching Akin, who was glaring at

to step aside and, after realizing he shouldn’t have done that, the guard stepped back and anxiously rubbed his

him since he was only doing his job. The poor

into the living room, we found everyone present there already. It seemed like they had already brought

great!” I whispered under my breath, staying behind

scoffed, shrugging her shoulders when we joined

one side, but the other

Akin and stood before everyone. Maddox and Zane were sitting behind their parents on a high stool with

me talk about video proof resulted in Varisha shifting uncomfortably on the couch. There was a huge smile of confidence plastered on Sofia’s lips ever since she watched me

throw you out

in the fireplace. It was triggering to relive that trauma just by listening to the audio. Maddox grunted as the video finished, while Zane

still had the nerve to make any sort

Sofia, who didn’t want to lose

he sees her wandering around with other brothers, he will feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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