Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 278

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 278 – Under The Eyes Of A Pervert.

Maura Despair:

A Few Days Ago:

“What happened to Beatrice?” I asked Pamela, who had looked grumpy since she arrived. I have noticed her mood swings lately, and they seemed to be only related to Beatrice. Everytime she was in a bad mood, she found a reason to cuss out loudly at Beatrice.

Title of the document

Today she was yammering about Beatrice not washing the apron.

“Nothing happened to her. She has powerful alpha kings behind her to save her a*s*s.” She was blunt today. It irked me to the point of forming wrinkles on my nose when I heard her say things like this about Beatrice.

I have never seen Beatrice hurt or disrespect someone. Perhaps this is why the alpha king brothers were so fond of her.

Zane came over last night and we did it again.” I smiled at the memory of waking up in his cozy

did not only ruin my mood, but it worried me. The confidence she displayed when talking about what Zane would do forced

saying all this so confidently?” I dropped the spatula on the counter and turned to face her

with a scoff. I knew he took Beatrice to a suite, but I was hoping for a fast

mean they did it.” I let out an awkward

I have never seen anyone so dumb before. You ask him what she means to him. He came to our home just to pick Scarlet because his dear Beatrice will be worried for her. Beatrice lives with us, and I know who picks and drops her.” She had turned to face me this time. The anger in her voice must have been rooted

wild s*e*x with Zane in his car the other night.” As soon as she said those words, the world beneath

unbothered or trusting toward Zane withered away instantly. I couldn’t fake a smile

outside the car—” I was stuttering when avoiding the truth. It was

if you don’t want to believe it, it is up to you.” She shrugged and shook her head in disapproval at me being

take Zane away from you and you will be standing here, serving them when they come back from their perfect little honeymoon,” she clenched her jaw right after she finished talking

think about anything else for the rest of the day. I wanted to text Zane and confront

I needed good energy around me to uplift my spirit. After finishing my work, I ran

after she was

herself while recalling the scent on me, “I could sense the smell of princess on you. I hope that is true.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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