Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 288

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 288 – I Am Guilty.

Maura’s POV:

“I am sorry I almost forgot your mother is a weredragon,” he then shook his head and rolled his eyes, trying to stay awake.

“It is okay,” I said as I kept staring at him. He hadn’t said anything bad or expressed his anger towards my requesting of him to help a weredragon, but I am guessing he was going to do it now.

Title of the document

“Maura! It will be a bit difficult to help you but I will do my best. She is a weredragon and I believe she is at a point where she needs to transition and recover from the years of long torture. I will suggest you don’t give her the pills immediately and let her transform into a safe environment,” he mumbled under his breath, scratching his stomach and gulping down the rest of the wine.

He was wasted at this point, so I couldn’t argue with him about how once she transitions, somebody will see and hurt her. So, I didn’t do much and helped him walk over to the couch and lie down.

“You need to rest,” I said to him, taking the bottle out of his hand and leaving it near the table.

wary of the —area and don’t go around —,” he was speaking in his sleep at this point. I watched him change his

narrow hallway at the entrance, leading to a room that then opened to the living room. There was another room on the opposite side of this room and with that room was a kitchen. My

and kept staring at his face. There was this guilt inside me that

I did this to her,” I rubbed my hands on my face

I tried giving myself an explanation, but nothing seemed appropriate enough to screw someone over like

It has to be in the back of my head that I didn’t think twice

and memory of Beatrice’s innocent face, I realized I need to correct

myself. I could have asked Zane and come clean to him, but I feared I will lose

I messed her up, so I should take responsibility for it. I left the house in a hurry and started walking crazily towards

that far for me since I was used to walking miles every day. But I had to rush. After sprinting as if my life depended on it, I finally saw the house

would be the first time that I have

hurting Beatrice made me want to hit myself. It was all my fault. God knows how she must have felt when she woke

left open. He had been doing this for so long that he didn’t fear anybody would catch him. Besides, nobody would ever visit us, so

I rushed over to the kitchen on the side and hid behind the wall. I was shaking while holding that vase. Either I would save her or I will get my karma and get caught

yelling and sprinting in the direction of the kitchen to make sure the cats had not been drinking the milk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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