Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 294

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 294 – Close To My Mate.

Beatrice’s POV:

“You brought her home?”

“Are you in your right mind?”

Title of the document

“Do you not remember why one of your brothers died and the other is in a coma?”

I woke up to a heated argument between what seemed likely to be Akin, Sofia, and Vasquez. Now that I have taken a wholesome rest, I don’t feel the bodily pain anymore. But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t encounter crazy parents.

I rolled out of bed and realized I was only wearing Akin’s coat. His scent was so mild and comforting that I sat on the edge of the bed, sniffing his coat for the next two minutes.

‘Take a good sniffy sniff, good morning!’ Ace, greeting me, almost took me off guard. I was not used to her waking up with me.

feels after transitioning,’ she continued yammering, making me wonder how I am going to

her to stop playing and acknowledge

me for

when we shift into our weredragon form. ‘Don’t worry. We are royalty. After our first transition, we will not transition for another twenty days, as our bones need rest and all that b*ullS*HI*T. But remember, after that, we are free. So you

just need to find Maura and her

not taking them with us, are you?’ I knew it. Ace wasn’t very forgiving of

this matter for now?’ I said as I

it? Let Akin take care of it,’ she scoffed again, and

Don’t you see she is a cursed one? Death follows her wherever she goes,” Sofia yelled at her son, and it

a problem with that, you can talk to the council and let them know you want to kick out the alpha king’s

taste him someday, you know,’ Ace

Zane?” Vasquez asked, ignoring

came home drunk

two started talking to each other as if Akin weren’t there. “Make sure the two of them stay away from her room. She will try to persuade them to — or invite them—,” Vasquez didn’t have to finish

like you,” Akin commented, but he specified little. I heard his father grunting, but Akin had already walked towards the guestroom by now. He opened the door and got inside to find me sitting on the edge of

you some stuff,” he pointed at the

last night,” I uttered awkwardly, hugging myself to make sure Ace didn’t pop out our b*oo*bs. That would be embarra*s*sing. It’s not that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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