Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 299

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 299 – Guilty Acceptance.

Maura Despair:

“It’s okay, you will be fine here,” I buried her, or what was left of her, in theshallow grave that I dug overnight. The blisters on my hands were evidence of my suffering. The tears in my eyes were the first hint of how broken I was on the inside.

I sat beside her body and kept staring at the grave, thinking about what I could have done differently to prevent it. There was only one right answer to that.

Title of the document

I wish I hadn’t freed her from Ubel’s grasp and waited for Beatrice to come up with a plan.

Princess Beatrice!

“You were right. I am supposed to be her follower and let her deal with everything for us. She is capable of saving us all, mom!” I cried in my hands, sniffling and going crazy. Here I was sitting all by myself with no one to tell me, “It is going to be fine.”

That’s when I heard someone rushing towards the mountains and calling for me. ‘Maura!’


one to blame, but I couldn’t even blame him. My heart refused to hold him responsible, but it was also certain that I was upset

He sounded worried, which is why

“Is that—,” he gasped.

raise my head and look him in the eye. He looked regretful. The realization of what carelessness had brought upon me was

—was drunk. I saw her wake up, and the first thing my mind concluded was,” he paused when recalling it, “Why is

then ran out of the room. Feeling like a good person for saving someone’s life, I just left and went back home without thinking twice about whether what I did would only cause distress. I swear I didn’t know,” he said as he

do I

kill her, but he did unchain her. Maybe she felt the pressure of her dragon coming out, so she rushed outside, but before

left me without a mother. An

be free,” I whispered, shaking at the

mother and start over without a fear, but now I am all alone!” I broke free from his

made me stare into his eyes, “you are not alone. You

just broken. If he had said the same thing to me a few hours

I was

me awake when he

shook me into gasping. I never expected him to accept

guilty or anything. But because I have realized how important you are to me. You mean everything to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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