Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 302

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 302 – Know My Truth

Akin’s POV:

“Beatrice! Just tell me, where are you?” I asked her again, holding the letter and crumbling it in my tight fist.

“I can’t. I am leaving,” she said from the other side.

Title of the document

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I asked while trying to keep my cool. I had to walk out of the mansion in a hurry to stand on the road away from everyone to hold my tension in when I was talking to her. I am sure anybody who sees me now can tell I am stressed.

“You hate our kind,” she scoffed. Just the thought of her being a weredragon gave me anxiety. How did I never see it?

‘Because we trusted her wholeheartedly,’ King said, after being sad about the fact she hadn’t told us anything in so many days.

“And that gave you every right to deceive me?” I couldn’t keep my voice low anymore. She sounded so blunt and careless as if hiding her truth from me was the right thing to do.

“I am sorry. Akin. But you shouldn’t be questioning me when your parents should be the ones held accountable for what I did. I couldn’t tell you the truth because I knew what you all would do to me. Do you not remember Colt? You guys were not even letting him say his side or —give him a chance to prove himself to be a good person. Just our kind was enough reason for you guys to end his life,” I noticed her voice shaking a little and she was also sniffling a lot.

crying!’ King sighed,

now?” I

punished if I didn’t leave. But then I found out that the driver she has arranged for me is a hunter. He

much was happening behind my back and that I didn’t get to

heard the same

know she was hearing

are my guards going to, until you tell me where you are,”

she whispered, and then she

for the attic

away?” Dad was talking to my mom when I heard

is also missing,” mom

was joined

Wait till he hears that we have been keeping a weredragon in our mansion for

I said, tightly holding the paper in my

what happened?’ Zane kept following me until we

without getting deeper into the conversation. Zane understood and started the cameras. We spent a few minutes on the screen, and

station,” Zane whispered under his breath, watching my face

my phone and told my guards to stop her. While they were on their way, I also got up to find

him to follow me. We silently walked up to our cars before I looked his way and said, “Speak to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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