Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 329

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 329 – The Truth About The War.

Author’s POV:

“Come have a seat,” Mr. Brooke sat Helel down after Helel told him his daughter took care of Helel.

Helel took a seat, going in front of everyone was a bit new after coming back to life. Sofia so badly wanted to hug him, while Vasquez knew his son hated him. “My son,’ Sofia whimpered.

Title of the document

“I did whatever I had to, but that didn’t mean it I didn’t regret it. I missed you every single day of my life, my son!” Vasquez started yammering, but the council of adults hushed him down, as they wanted Helel to speak now.

“You were found guilty of helping a weredragon escape,” Brooke recalled, bringing it up.

frown. The council and the pack alphas were desperately wanting to know what was causing these brothers

like you to explain it to us,” Winchester said, staring at Vasquez, who was

weredragon princess! She could have turned evil and taken revenge on us for whatever we had done to her, but instead—she gave her golden scale to my brother and saved his

all bullshit. She is only doing this so that she can prove herself to be this innocent, fragile girl and later devour us all. If you all had seen her dragon, you would have been afraid of her

said you weren’t there when she transitioned or you would have killed her right then and there,” he continued to

already under scrutiny,

interrupted them, taking side of her friend

making the council share a

attention back to Helel since he knew his parents had a

I was dead,” Helel’s words were met with an instant bow from the council to the Moon Goddess. It

you see, son?”

what led to the war between the weredragons and the werewolves,”

a gulp running down his throat. They all knew The Moon Goddess

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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