Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 336

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 336

All I remember is Helel sitting on top of Ace and then flying around until he started complaining about the scales being too rough and hurting his d*ic*k.

It all turned into a s*hi*tshow after that. Ace was flying around, while Helel was clinging to her for dear life.

“Ugh!” I groaned when listening to Ace complain about him.

Title of the document

‘What else?’ I asked Ace, still unable to open my eyes. I don’t know where I was, but I could tell I was somewhere with Helel because I kept hearing him grunt and groan.

However, I couldn’t open my eyes fully.

‘He was complaining and complaining, so I gave him a little shake and accidentally tripped him over me,’ now that she was being honest, I realized she wasn’t that innocent in this case.

‘Ace! What the f*uc*k,’ I groaned. If only I had my pendant, 1 would be able to enjoy those moments with it.

‘Hey! Don’t come at me. Ask your mate, why was he so f*uc*king hard when riding us? His c*oc*k was poking my thick skin,’

Ace instantly defended herself, ‘and I didn’t let him fall. I went down for him but made sure he could only cling to me. I wanted him to understand he cannot complain about us,’ she sounded so detached from reality.

‘F*uc*k you! If he is hurt— I will not talk to you again,’ it was a mere outburst. I know he was fine, and so were we, but why was everything so cold in here? The ground and even the gra*s*s on top of it.

forcing my eyes to open but only

is a little problem,’ Ace’s voice turned softer, and I knew there was

we?’ I asked, panicking as I raised my head and saw light

into a well

climb the well. Or he

I was buck-naked.

with herbs… vervain, and the others that drug a weredragon, and a

I yelled, but I noticed why

can still communicate with me. That’s a good thing right?’ Ace has started

Who turned the lights

that I had been awake for some time, I was able to see a little

I shrugged, waiting for him to realize we

Where are you?” Helel asked, still very sleepy. The wolfbane was messing

In fact, we are both here, stuck in a freaking well full of

started making noise, panicking, and moving his arms around when his gigantic hand

hands to yourself,” I

guess I touched something,”

my b*oob!” 1 groaned “So soft?” he asked, tinting my

I muttered under my breath, wrapping my arms around my b*reas*ts and lowering my

Shit! We are stuck,” now that he was waking up entirely,

are going to die here,” I groaned, feeling

happen,” his voice sounded

hear somebody needing a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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