Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 339

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 339

Zane Spade:

“Who hired you?” Akin yelled in her face, pressing harder than before.

“Back when the war started, the weredragons were winning. They were much more powerful and had a cause to fight for, but there was someone who helped the werewolves win,” Gwen lowered her head, stealing her eyes and giving us the impression that she was guilty of something.

Title of the document

“Tell us everything,” I asked her, and I stepped between them to pull her away from Akin. He was raging at this point, unable to control his anger.

After Gwen sat down and drank some water, she raised her head to look at us brothers as we stared back at her in anticipation.

were the Weredragon king and Queen’s closest friends. When the queen got pregnant, my father suggested either he marry me to his

for their return, but they didn’t, and they didn’t have to. I understand my parents just wanted the best for me, but they were forcing their decisions upon those parents, who also wanted the best for their kids. My parents started living near this pack’s woods. When the war started, my parents, who were mages for weredragons, created a prison dimension and helped the werewolves capture the entire kingdom of weredragons. In return, they wanted me to be married to one of your brothers, and, well, their desperation forced them into another dead end, but this time-it was worse. Your parents burned my parents alive, claiming they were using dark magic. Sadly, before my mother could have passed on her magic

story. He was supposed to be her right hand, her puppet, basically. Which is why,

had only come here to get some information. I wasn’t going to hurt anyone, and maybe that’s what made me look suspicious. I must give it to Beatrice. She was pretty vigilant. But trust me, I wasn’t here to hurt any of you or her,” she was going in circles, nervously

who hired you,” Akin muttered with his glare keeping her hostage. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to

and the shock froze us all. Akin uncomfortably straightened his back, almost as if he were

the devils,” the way she spoke about them, it was no secret that she was talking about the great upcoming war that we keep hearing about from everyone. There were different versions of it, but it was pretty much confirmation that there would be a White Savior, a Mistress of

we are in a huge mess,” Maddox grasped his hair in his fist and muttered. I could

And we hired him to find Helel and Beatrice,” Akin was the first one

is a terrible idea. He is going to f*uc*king k*ill them,” she looked so anxious and even worried us with

mean by that?” Maddox yelled and got up from his seat to

Maddox announced, passing worried glares

You said he hired you to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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