Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 342

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 342 – Kill The Princess

Author s POV:

“Where is Dream?” Mykel asked Huia, who was waiting in the cabin, to hear good news from him.

“What made you think of her at this time?” Huia sighed in announce, “tell me what is going on there?” She asked him as she sat on the chair and ran her hand through the papers where she had collected the list of people and what needed to be done.

Title of the document

“They are stuck in a well,” Mykel told her the same information that he had sent out to her minutes ago.

“And?” Huia asked curiously.

“And what? I cannot take care of both of them,” Mykel hissed at Huia for thinking he would be done with the job in only a few minutes.

“What are you doing there, then? Have you not offered them a bait?” Huia questioned aggressively. She was beginning to feel like she was the only one with a brain in this group.

One was too busy playing around with her new boy toy to give her any information, and the other was just a dumb trainer.


had to state the obvious problem

her? Kill her!

“What about

to know. We can come up with a lie. Now tell me: why were you looking for

the two most powerful creatures alone. She will have to get her hands dirty,”

the silence intensified, Mykel then


someone’s hand to hold her, and you gave her that comfort. Now get her here and make her do some work.

beginning to realize Dream was spending all the time with Colt and so far, she hadn’t gotten any information out of

her a call and see what I can do,” Huia hung up on Mykel and called Dream

would act like it was such a hard task and she would have

Dream could even speak a word from the other side. Dream was staying at Colt’s place of residence and he had fallen asleep while watching a movie. For some reasons, Dream found peace in

to always be available for the service, but ever since she met Colt, she kind of lost interest in the Man

can go back to hell for all she cared. She was finally with someone

Colt. He has a few drinks down, and I am realizing he might crack

she no longer cared about

she lost her mother to

here. You are the mistress of the doomsday; how can you not worry about the affairs of The Man from Hell?” Huia didn’t hide the agitation

saying I don’t care. Jeez! What is wrong with you?” Dream left the room where Colt was sleeping so that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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