Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 380

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 380

Akin’s POV:

“The security footage had been wiped clean,” Zane sat with me on the bench as he told me he also met a dead end.

“How is that even possible? How could anyone have entered the royal locker and stolen something so crucial?” I complained, expressing my sorrow over the fact that our royal locker got robbed and we didn’t even know.

Title of the document

“That’s not the only thing that had been stolen. Remember that green pearl we extracted from Gwen’s tears when she died? That is also missing,” Zane added. “It seems like the weredragon stuff was stolen,” he then explained, and he was actually right.

Those two things were important, as her tear pearl could have been very useful for many things.

“What to do next?” Zane asked actively. He had been more active than the others when looking for Beatrice’s pendant. I could tell he was hoping she would pick him when she woke up and reject Helel.

“I will ask Reign to try finding the pearl instead. Maybe the two things were stolen by the same person, so we might get lucky,” I said, but I was not very certain if that would even be possible. Whoever stole the pendant must also have stolen the pearl, and if they can protect the pendant from being located, they must have protected the pearl too.

did they steal the

as I faced him. The two hadn’t spoken again after the

ego to be talking to the brother who is nothing,” Zane mumbled and stole his eves from me

in the woods. So, I am assuming he is never returning home,” It was such a burden on my heart to say that. Even to think my brother would never return to live where we used to live

still in contact with him? But she always acts like they don’t talk. What is going on between the

for him and he rejects it every day,” I replied, not shedding light on the fact that she told me so easily that she is

thought all of us were his enemies, the only person he had seen wander around him and care for him was Gwen. Besides,

Maddox told me another possibility of Gwen knowing the pendant is by saying maybe Gwen doesn’t want Beatrice to come out. That would be the perfect revenge she could get

Gwen was being honest with us. Or maybe we were just

What is she even planning at this point? And why the

disappearance of the pendant and the pearl,” I told Zane, getting up and preparing to leave. We have been sitting outside the police building and talking for too long by now. I usually only sit

the stuff is getting info from her? What then?” Zane added after he found me not commenting on his

do. Someone has that pendant, and I need—,” I was in the middle of talking to Zane when my phone

work here,”

talk to him and ask him if he remembered someone visiting the station and acting

is something I need to talk to you. It is about that pendant and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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