Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 389

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 389 – Addicted To G*angb*ang

Igor Havoc:

“Lord Igor!” I entered the car only when Vincent ran towards it and stopped me from closing the door.

“Vincent! You are not coming with us,” 1 frowned, pouting at him. He sometimes reminds me of my dog, who wanted to go everywhere with me. I would put him on a leash or in a cage whenever he tried to follow me too much.

Now, my main concern was whether Vincent would like a leash or a cage.

“The Alpha King is on call,” being a manager, he attended all my calls and my affairs.

“Oh!” I narrowed my eyes, thinking, Why would he call me right before he knows I’m leaving for a meet-up with him?

I grabbed the phone and cleared my tone, forcing a fake smile on my lips before speaking on the phone with him.

“Yes?” I said.

“The plan has changed a little,” Akin excused. I frowned even more in space, wondering what happened to make him suddenly change his mind.

I steadily got out of the car and sighed, pausing to simmer down before responding to him.

“Why? We have everything planned, is everything okay?” I forced a calm and understanding voice and added a little spice of concern as well.

to. He could have let me visit them and excused me.

I could be wrong!


and stay at a hotel until you are free? How does that sound?” I asked by force. It was unlike

was slowly making my way back into the mansion because my gut feeling

pack is facing a threat, so we have guarded and blocked

He intrigued me.

because, throughout my life, I have never heard someone talk

because I didn’t meet anyone at

What about people on foot? Are they allowed? But then I

her throne, where she sits and stares at the door the whole day, and threw a quizzical stare

when speaking

Of course not.

were only interested in the Weredragon Queen. Once I get her here, I will make her reject these assholes, who got assigned

fine,” it wasn’t fine, but I had

meetup?” As I asked him. Lady Melanie got the idea that my trip had been

I clenched my jaw and bobbed my head as

name is Colt Abyss?” I questioned him,

took off. My brother saved his life,” Akin impressed me with how he made sure in those two sentences he gave out as much context as he

that Colt escaped their grasp and then, that

speak to Beatrice?” I finally mustered up the courage

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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