Chapter 451

Chapter 441 My Dear! Goodbye. (Zane Spade)

I pulled my hand out with his heart in it, and his body dropped to the ground lifelessly. I watched him lie there without blinking or breathing. Tn the end, evil always wins, as it should.

“Now that he is gone, you can be the king you are supposed to be,” Huia raised her hands to ask the others to cheer for me.

“I need some time alone,” I yelled at them, and silence struck them. Huia advised them to leave me alone while 1 sat down beside Maddox’s lifeless body.

It was supposed to happen. For me to let the darkness consume me, there needed to be a big step.

Then why did it hurt so much?

“Why didn’t you fight back?” I poked his head with the dagger and scoffed.

“Even in the end, you showed a positive light, and I hated every second of it,” I grimaced.

‘I didn’t have another choice. I want to be the best one. My powerful wolf can only be awakened after I sink into the darkness,’ I told my wolf, shaking at the sight of Maddox. It was heartbreaking, even for the evil in me.

‘You were great, but too innocent for the world now. This world is going to change, and people like you will be the victims. I did you a favor, brother. Don’t ever think I hurt you for selfish reasons,’ I whispered while sitting beside his body.

beginning to feel

getting up

me. After noticing my demeanor, she realized she

And now this— it was as if I would never

stepped away from the body. It

She stuttered while trying to

of prison for a reason, didn’t I? I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Don’t tell me you have a soft spot for him because he is your nephew. I know

wasn’t hesitant about telling the truth. If any one of these objected to me,

know what we are going to do with the dagger? Do you want me to keep it safe somewhere?” She asked as she pointed at the dagger in my hand. I was still holding my brother’s heart

was the best I could do. I wouldn’t want anyone to bring him back to life. What’s gone

think it will not be safe in my grasp?” I tilted my head and made blunt eye

took a deep breath as if anticipating what issue

goodness. She was supposed to be on our side and tear apart the brothers. If she stays alive, there will be consequences since she is powerful and will be on your brother’s sid—” as she yammered, I heard the name Beatrice, and I knew what she was suggesting. Not letting her speak another word, I wrapped my fingers

I yelled in her face, making her stare back at me with nothing but fear in her eyes. She’s got some

you,” she stuttered, gulping

don’t give a damn who she picks now. Once both my brothers are dead, I will claim her. Whether she likes it or not. So, nobody—no one gets to touch her. She must stay alive. She will be my trophy in the


Mykel a chance to kill Helel, but he failed. In fact, the orders were simple. Save Beatrice and kill

problem, though; Huia got rid

white goat is?” She mumbled under her breath, making sure not to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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