Chapter 540 Losing Again

My heart beat mercilessly against my chest, threatening to burst, as I witnessed the frightful picture unfolding before my eyes. Zane’s treacherous sword sank deep into

Helel’s helpless abdomen and heart-wrenching howl pierced the air, reverberating with both the agony and Helel’s stark transformation from a wolf into a vulnerable human form.

A surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins, propelling all my instincts into action. The urgency in my voice crackled when I spoke to Ace, the urgency was etched on my face, ‘I can’t stand here and watch him die.’

In a swift and continuous motion, I began my transition, shedding my human appearance and embracing the pure power of my dragon-man self. My muscles tensed and undulated as my shape twisted and expanded, scales glowed, and wings unfolded ready.

I threw forward with fury, unleashed the fury of my razor-sharp claws on any wolf that dared to cross my path. The metallic smell of blood permeated the air, a testament to the violence that erupted in the midst of our confrontation. His desperate howls mingled with the symphony of chaos, a cacophony of anguish and despair that echoed across the war-torn landscape.

With every merciless blow, every tear torn, I fought with unwavering resolve, every move was a testament to the anger burning within me. Drops of scarlet color gushed out, splashing my scales, mixing with the sweat that soaked my scaly skin. The din of battle became a mere backdrop as it progressed, an embodiment of an unwavering purpose.

Approaching Helel, determination burned like a flame within my eyes, taking me to heights of untamed fury. The force behind my assault intensified, a primal fury channeled into each blow. In a thunderous collision, I lunged towards Zane, unleashing a deadly impact that shattered his grip on the dagger. The gun fell from his grip, hitting the ground with a resounding crash, as Zane collapsed in defeat, his body spread across the earth.

Helel out of Zane’s reach. Although the relentless assault of the werewolves continued unabated, I

unbuttoned the pendant around my neck, knowing that removing it would release the full scope of my dragon power. As the surge of energy swept through me, my body underwent a profound transformation. Muscles rippled

tone containing a mixture of authority and apprehension,

werewolves, reluctantly obedient to their master’s orders, withdrew, their hostile

no time to dwell on Zane’s motivations or what lay ahead. With unwavering determination, I quickly lifted Helel up,

area for a safe haven. After a few minutes, I saw a gathering

ground. When I changed back into my human form, Reign quickly walked

car. His head leaned against the seat, and I could see the

concern as he meticulously examined Helel’s body for wounds, leaned closer and whispered in my ear, “It’s going to be okay. The

joined Helel inside the car. Settling into the seat next to him, I couldn’t help but express my frustration, my words tinged

Jay on two separate occasions and yet

help but express my discontent, expressing my frustration at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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