033 The Old Coaster

Scarlett’s POV

Who says bitching is lame and you should always take the high road?

I took the high road and all I got was humiliation, pain, and a late “thank you“. I didn’t want to bitch about it, but it surely felt great!

After the night where I lashed out at Sebastian, I have seen a new light in my life. My heart. doesn’t hurt every damn second for him, and I can finally focus on my own life with a fresh. view. I wasn’t ready to move on hen I signed the divorce papers, but I am now.


I feel like I was given a new life.

with Ava after the divorce, and I thought it would

get it over with. Maybe this is the

me with a flattering smile, “The CEO is ready to see you if you follow

absolutely have to. Not that I would want to,

in my hand, not following her before taking

Adrian’s reply on the day after that

know where my office

didn’t expect such a decisive approval, and I was the

I NEED this.

names in the media field, the Dunn’s building stands in the city center, tall and boring, with the scene of a prudent scholar from the last century, unlike Sebastian’s

the two very different

the receptionist could leave, but she waits by the door, waiting for me to knock with a polite smile. I have no choice but to take a long, deep breath in front of her, checking my tight. blouse for wrinkles and my black skirt for hair or

The old Coaster



waits patiently, and after I sneak in a slight stomp on my high heels,

on in,” A clear, light

school. The first and last words we exchanged actually happened after graduation. Well, not even “exchanged“. He said “Nice car” when I was about to drive

have to admit that encounter plays a huge role in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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